Accessing Continuing Legal Education Materials Remotely

June 29, 2022


If you are a lawyer looking to catch up on your required Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit, why not start with our CLE materials? The library has hundreds of CLE courses from the State Bar of Texas available for remote study, and we are continuously adding new courses to our collection. Here's a bit more about how to access these titles.

Earning MCLE Credit

Online CLE courses are a great way to earn the 3 hours of self-study Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) credit required for members of the Texas Bar. You can find the MCLE course number on the Table of Contents page of each CLE course. To self-report your credit hours, update your MCLE records through the State Bar's website.

CLE Materials at the State Law Library 

We provide a listing of available courses on the Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Materials page of our website. To check them out, you'll need a current library account. If you don't have one or need to renew yours, head over to the Get a Library Account section of our site to register or renew.

Any CLE title in our collection published in 2017 and later can be accessed as an e-book through the library's Digital Collection. Here are some tips: 

Browsing & Searching

  • We've separated the CLEs into an alphabetical list of subjects to make it easier for you to browse. Each subject has a list of courses, and each course has a list of the years available.
  • Courses before 2017 are not online but may be available in print. Contact us if you need an excerpt from a course that's only available in print! 
  • To search for a particular course or article title, phrase, year, or author, use the "Find a CLE Course" search bar at the top of the page.

Checking Out

  • Once you find a title you're interested in checking out, you can click on the year for a list of the course's articles and authors.
  • If you're ready to check out that year's course, click the "Download as an eBook" button. You'll be prompted to enter your library username and password before proceeding to the e-book.

New Titles 

As new SBOT courses come in, we'll add them to our catalog. Keep an eye out for new titles in your practice area! Here are some titles from 2022: 

Advanced Immigration Law Course

Immigration Law 101

Advanced Alternative Dispute Resolution

Advanced Intellectual Property Litigation

Oil & Gas Disputes Course

The Changing Face of Water Rights in Texas

Nuts and Bolts of Texas Water Rights

Got a question about accessing a CLE, or need help finding one? Get in touch with us!

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