Appellate Practice
» Civil Appeals
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Pro se litigant guide
By Texas Young Lawyers Association. Texas Young Lawyers Association. 2023.
Filing an appeal can be complex. This guide is aimed at "pro se" litigants (those who are representing themselves) and walks you through the steps required to file an appeal.
This is a featured Texas title Texas annotated court rules : State courts
By Staff, Publishers Editorial. LexisNexis. 2024 edition. 2024.
"This one volume offers quick access to the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, the Texas Rules of Evidence, the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, and the rules of the numerous Courts of Appeals, as well as sections containing rules governing judges, attorneys, and court reporters and legal assistants.Since being published in its own, more comprehensive volume, the Texas Annotated State Court Rules now includes: Standards of Appellate Procedure; Policies for Transfer of Cases Between Court of Appeals; Local Rules for the 7th Court of Appeals; Local Rules for the 12th Court of Appeals; Local Rules for the 13th Court of Appeals; Accreditation standards for the MCLE Rules." - publisher's description
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This is a featured Texas title Texas civil procedure : Trial and appellate practice
By Dorsaneo, William V. Carolina Academic Press. 2022-2023 edition. 2022.
This book introduces students to trial preparation, motion practice, jury selection, the trial process, preparation of the jury charge, jury argument, jury deliberations, verdict, instructed verdicts, judgments, and post-trial motions. The text also devotes a chapter to the special problems of non-jury trials. The authors have expanded their coverage of the difficult issue of finality of judgments, and included thorough treatment of original and appellate proceedings in the courts of appeal and in the Texas Supreme Court.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas civil trial and appellate procedure
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Wicker, Jeremy C. LEXIS Law Pub. c1999-.
This three-volume set provides a comprehensive look at civil trials and appeals and includes references to statutes, rules of court, administrative regulations, and case law.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas litigation guide
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1977-.
This comprehensive set explains the law and procedure in a given area and then provides drafting guides to prepare the forms. The set is divided into 10 different units: Pretrial Practice, Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Pleadings in Business Entity Litigation, Pleadings in Commercial Litigation, Pleadings in Real Estate Litigation, Pleadings in Personal Injury Litigation, Family Code Litigation, Probate Code Litigation, and Administrative Proceedings. (Due to publisher restrictions, this title may only be checked out from home by government employees. Members of the public must visit the library in person to view this title electronically or in print.)
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
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Latest received: Release 7, 2018. By Axelrad, David M. Law Journal Press. 2011-.
This title takes a wide-lens view of appellate practice at both the federal and state level. Aimed at practitioners and students, it covers appellate practice from start to finish, including preserving issues for appeal, appellate motion practice, post-appeal proceedings, and more.
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» Criminal Appeals
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Bench book
Texas Municipal Courts Education Center. Latest received: 2022 Edition.
This guide, funded by a grant from the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, discusses court procedures in detail and provides scripts. It is annotated with citations to the statutes, case law, the Rule of Judicial Conduct, and the Texas Rules Of Disciplinary Procedure.
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This is a featured Texas title Forms book
Latest received: 2020 Update. Texas Municipal Courts Education Center. c2011-.
The TMCEC Forms Book provides over 250 ready-to-use forms, notices, letters, warnings, and ordinances specific for use by municipal judges, court clerks, and municipal prosecutors. These forms may be modified to suit the individual needs of each court.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas annotated criminal code
By Staff, Publishers Editorial. LexisNexis. 2022 Edition. 2022.
"The Texas Annotated Criminal Code facilitates quick and dependable research and interpretation of Texas legislation. Perfect for the specialized or large firm, this comprehensive volume includes statutes from Code topics relevant to the practice of criminal law. All statutes and amendments are updated from the latest regular session and called session. In addition to amendments made each year, the LexisNexis attorney-editors have included material on many related topics" - publisher's description
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This is a featured Texas title Texas criminal codes & rules : Annotated
Latest received: 2021 Edition. By Texas. Texas Lawyer Press. 2018-.
"Up-to-date and easy-to-read, Texas Criminal Codes & Rules Annotated contains over 1900 annotations. Also: New Legislative Amendments, Cases and Annotations; Court of Criminal Appeals cases of first impression interpreting the Code of Criminal Procedure, Penal Code and Rules of Evidence and Appellate Procedure; Code of Criminal Procedure and Penal Code; Selected portions of the Health & Safety; Code and Transportation Code; Updated Rules of Evidence and Rules of Appellate Procedure, Controlled Substances Act, Chart Regarding Legal and Factual Sufficiency, A Glossary of Spanish Legal Terms for Texas Criminal Practice." - publisher's description
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This is a featured Texas title Texas criminal forms
By Gill, Robert K. James Publishing. 2020.
"[In this book] you receive new forms and practice tips, plus revised and/or updated coverage of the law, to help you navigate the issues that may arise at various stages of a criminal case." -Publisher's Description
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This is a featured Texas title Texas criminal lawyer's handbook
Latest received: Release 23, March 2023. By Daniel, Mark G. James Publishing. 2023.
"Written by two experienced criminal defense attorneys, this handbook provides in-depth practical advice on over 250 topics relating to criminal proceedings including search and seizures; bail and bonds; pretrial, trial and post-trial matters; as well as expunctions and nondisclosures." -Publisher's Description
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This is a featured Texas title Texas criminal practice guide
By Matthew Bender (Firm). M. Bender. 1979-.
"This guide's six volumes are arranged by section to correspond with the progression of the Texas criminal justice system, making their detailed information easy to access. Each volume contains a number of chapters divided into four parts covering legal backgrounds, procedural practice tips, sample forms, and research resources and bibliographies." - publisher's description
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This is a featured Texas title Texas criminal procedure & the offender with mental illness
By The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Texas (NAMI). The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Texas. Sixth edition. 2019.
This online educational guide for the public and practitioners, now in its new sixth edition, provides an analysis of the laws regarding offenders with mental illness, including a discussion of appropriate treatment, competency to stand trial, the insanity defense, and post-conviction issues.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas drunk driving law
Latest received: 2025 Edition. By Hoelscher, Joseph F. Matthew Bender & Company, Inc. 2017-.
"LexisNexis Practice Guide: Texas Drunk Driving Law is designed to guide you step-by-step through your practice of drunk driving law. The Practice Guide provides comprehensive coverage of the essentials for trial practice, supported by citations to the most relevant state and federal case law, rules, and statutes. This indispensable guidebook for maintaining a successful DWI practice contains numerous sample forms, helpful practice tips, and authoritative resources." - publisher's description
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By Cammack, Mark E. West Acadmic Publishing. Third edition. 2016.
"Designed for use as supplemental reading in an advanced criminal procedure course on the post-investigation processing of a criminal case. Includes a clear, concise, and thorough narrative explanation of the issues involved in the prosecution and adjudication of a criminal case, from the decision to prosecute and pre-trial release through to sentencing, appeal and collateral attack. Ideal reference for students and practitioners." - publisher's description
By Ohlin, Jens David. West/Thomson. Seventh edition. 2023.
"Major emphasis is placed on the basic premises of criminal law, including its sources and general limitations. This Hornbook provides detailed discussion on the topics of responsibility, justification and excuse, inchoate crimes, accomplice, and liability. Attention is also given to subjects such as causation, insanity, and conspiracy." - publisher's description
By Bergman, Paul. Nolo. Fifth edition. 2020.
"Unravels the mysteries of criminal law with a plain-English style that incorporates real-life examples, famous films and entertaining hypotheticals. Arranged from A to Z, this desk reference explains criminal law, from abuse excuse to writ of habeas corpus." - publisher's description
By Kennedy, Joseph E. West. Seventh edition. 2024.
"This guide helps you gain an overview of and develop perspective on the area of criminal law. It is organized into eight sections for quick reference. Expert discussion explores punishment, specific crimes, and the ingredients of a crime such as mens rea and actus reus. Other topics covered include special defenses, the burden of proof, and inchoate and group criminality. It also reflects on the limitations of criminal law." - publisher's description
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By del Carmen, Rolando V. 2010.
In any episode of the popular television show Law and Order, questions of police procedure in collecting evidence often arise. Was a search legal? Was the evidence obtained lawfully? Did the police follow the rules in pursuing their case? While the show depicts fictional cases and scenarios, police procedure with regard to search and seizure is a real and significant issue in the criminal justice system today. The subject of many Supreme Court decisions, they seriously impact the way police pursue their investigations, the way prosecutors proceed with their cases, and the way defense attorneys defend their clients. This book answers these questions and explains these decisions in accessible and easy to follow language. Each chapter explores a separate case or series of cases involving the application of the Fourth Amendment to current police investigatory practices or prosecutorial conduct of the criminal trial. The police-related cases involve topics such as searches of...
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By Streib, Victor L. West Academic Publishing. Fifth edition. 2017.
An overview of basic death penalty laws and procedures as well as more complex issues such as systemic bias and execution of the innocent.
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Hertz, Randy. LexisNexis Matthew Bender. Seventh edition. 2015-.
This title provides an overview of the federal habeas corpus process.
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By LaFave, Wayne R. West Academic Publishing. Third edition. 2017.
"Expertly written to provide comprehensive coverage of the most crucial issues in a course, the Concise Hornbook Series features concise analyses by prominent scholars of basic areas of the law. The Series focuses on core principles and concepts fundamental to understanding the subject matter. LaFave's Principles of Criminal Law provides detailed discussion on the topics of responsibility, justification and excuse, inchoate crimes and accomplice liability. The book also gives attention to subjects such as causation, insanity and conspiracy." - publisher's description
By LaFave, Wayne. West. Second edition. 2009.
This title examines the more formal part of the criminal process, from bail to post-conviction review.
» Federal Appeals
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Texas annotated court rules : Federal courts
By Staff, Publishers Editorial. LexisNexis. 2024 edition. 2024.
"In a single volume, Texas attorneys can quickly access and research the most important and relevant federal court rules. It's annotated and indexed to provide ease of use to the Texas attorney practicing in the federal court system.Since being published in its own, more comprehensive volume, the Texas Annotated Federal Court Rules now includes: Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure; Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure; Federal Rules of Evidence; Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and Forms; Local rules from the four Federal District Courts of Texas; Rules of Procedure of the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation; Policies and Procedures for Electronic Filing in the federal District Courts" - publisher's description
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By American Bar Association. American Bar Association. 1;EB2015ED. 2015.
This handy, 2015 edition of The Federal Rules Book provides all the rules, amendments, and any major revisions to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure and more. In this attractive annual edition this year, you'll find: • Updates and revisions to the Federal Rules of Evidence • Updates and revisions to the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure • Updates and revisions to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
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Latest received: Release 7, 2018. By Axelrad, David M. Law Journal Press. 2011-.
This title takes a wide-lens view of appellate practice at both the federal and state level. Aimed at practitioners and students, it covers appellate practice from start to finish, including preserving issues for appeal, appellate motion practice, post-appeal proceedings, and more.
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By Castanias, Gregory A. Thompson-West. Third edition. 2023.
"This Nutshell provides a comprehensive overview of federal appellate practice and procedure, suitable for practicing lawyers as a deskbook, and for law students as a study aid. It focuses both on the federal courts of appeals and on the US Supreme Court. Federal circuit court topics include, among others, preservation of error, the final judgment rule and its exceptions, the notice of appeal, parties to the appeal, relief pending appeal, standards and scope of review, briefing and oral argument, alternative dispute resolution, entry of judgment, and rehearing en banc. Supreme Court topics include, among others, jurisdiction over federal cases, jurisdiction over state cases, the certiorari process, original jurisdiction, briefing and oral argument, and the role of the Solicitor General. Also included are discussions of the structure and caseloads of the federal appellate system, appellate ethics and professionalism, certification of issues to state courts, and the future of appellate j…
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Hertz, Randy. LexisNexis Matthew Bender. Seventh edition. 2015-.
This title provides an overview of the federal habeas corpus process.
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By Wright, Charles Alan. West Academic Publishing. Eighth edition. 2017.
"This title offers practical guidance and comprehensive coverage on all aspects of federal court jurisdiction and litigation procedure, as well as the relationship between the state and federal courts. Text reviews the federal judicial system; judicial power of the United States; diversity of citizenship; venue; law applied in federal courts; pleadings, trials, and judgments; and appellate court and Supreme Court jurisdiction." - publisher's description
By Simpson, Reagan W. American Bar Association. ;2020-09. 2020.
Trial lawyers often must make split-second decisions and judgment calls that do not follow all the procedural steps required to ensure presentation of an issue on appeal. Focusing on the preservation of appellate complaints in federal trial courts, this book helps civil trial and civil appellate lawyers take the right steps to ensure preservation of appellate complaints. This guide sets out the rules for preserving complaints on appeal, beginning with a general approach to preservation rules. Chapters address pre-trial, trial, and post-trial preservation issues, as well as handling objections to a magistrate's ruling or recommendation. The book's focus on opinions from United States courts of appeals with citations from all circuits. Invaluable appendices make this an essential volume for lawyers who need to preserve complaints on appeal. The book includes a checklist of preservation items followed by two important research tools: Listed with each preservation item are West's Key Numbe…
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By Pfander, James E. West Academic Publishing. Fourth edition. 2021.
"Designed for students in advanced courses and newly revised, this book explains the leading principles of federal jurisdiction. It covers such landmarks as Marbury v. Madison and Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents and the rules that govern original and appellate jurisdiction, justiciability and abstention, federal habeas corpus, and sovereign immunity. It discusses the enemy combatant cases, culminating in Boumediene, and recent Supreme Court decisions on such diverse issues as the legal foundation of the Ex parte Young action, the limits of federal ingredient jurisdiction, the demise of prudential standing, and the jurisdictional nuances of consumer class action litigation. Perhaps most important, the book provides students with a sense of the argumentative possibilities available to lawyers and jurists working within the federal courts’ tradition." - publisher's description
» CLEs
State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas. 2018.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas. 2020.
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State Bar of Texas. 2021.
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State Bar of Texas. 2022.
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State Bar of Texas. 2020.
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State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas. 2018.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas. 2020.
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State Bar of Texas. 2021.
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State Bar of Texas. 2022.
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State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas. 2021.
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» All Titles
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Bench book
Texas Municipal Courts Education Center. Latest received: 2022 Edition.
This guide, funded by a grant from the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, discusses court procedures in detail and provides scripts. It is annotated with citations to the statutes, case law, the Rule of Judicial Conduct, and the Texas Rules Of Disciplinary Procedure.
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This is a featured Texas title Forms book
Latest received: 2020 Update. Texas Municipal Courts Education Center. c2011-.
The TMCEC Forms Book provides over 250 ready-to-use forms, notices, letters, warnings, and ordinances specific for use by municipal judges, court clerks, and municipal prosecutors. These forms may be modified to suit the individual needs of each court.
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This is a featured Texas title Pro se litigant guide
By Texas Young Lawyers Association. Texas Young Lawyers Association. 2023.
Filing an appeal can be complex. This guide is aimed at "pro se" litigants (those who are representing themselves) and walks you through the steps required to file an appeal.
This is a featured Texas title Texas annotated court rules : Federal courts
By Staff, Publishers Editorial. LexisNexis. 2024 edition. 2024.
"In a single volume, Texas attorneys can quickly access and research the most important and relevant federal court rules. It's annotated and indexed to provide ease of use to the Texas attorney practicing in the federal court system.Since being published in its own, more comprehensive volume, the Texas Annotated Federal Court Rules now includes: Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure; Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure; Federal Rules of Evidence; Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and Forms; Local rules from the four Federal District Courts of Texas; Rules of Procedure of the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation; Policies and Procedures for Electronic Filing in the federal District Courts" - publisher's description
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This is a featured Texas title Texas annotated court rules : State courts
By Staff, Publishers Editorial. LexisNexis. 2024 edition. 2024.
"This one volume offers quick access to the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, the Texas Rules of Evidence, the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, and the rules of the numerous Courts of Appeals, as well as sections containing rules governing judges, attorneys, and court reporters and legal assistants.Since being published in its own, more comprehensive volume, the Texas Annotated State Court Rules now includes: Standards of Appellate Procedure; Policies for Transfer of Cases Between Court of Appeals; Local Rules for the 7th Court of Appeals; Local Rules for the 12th Court of Appeals; Local Rules for the 13th Court of Appeals; Accreditation standards for the MCLE Rules." - publisher's description
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This is a featured Texas title Texas annotated criminal code
By Staff, Publishers Editorial. LexisNexis. 2022 Edition. 2022.
"The Texas Annotated Criminal Code facilitates quick and dependable research and interpretation of Texas legislation. Perfect for the specialized or large firm, this comprehensive volume includes statutes from Code topics relevant to the practice of criminal law. All statutes and amendments are updated from the latest regular session and called session. In addition to amendments made each year, the LexisNexis attorney-editors have included material on many related topics" - publisher's description
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This is a featured Texas title Texas civil procedure : Trial and appellate practice
By Dorsaneo, William V. Carolina Academic Press. 2022-2023 edition. 2022.
This book introduces students to trial preparation, motion practice, jury selection, the trial process, preparation of the jury charge, jury argument, jury deliberations, verdict, instructed verdicts, judgments, and post-trial motions. The text also devotes a chapter to the special problems of non-jury trials. The authors have expanded their coverage of the difficult issue of finality of judgments, and included thorough treatment of original and appellate proceedings in the courts of appeal and in the Texas Supreme Court.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas civil trial and appellate procedure
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Wicker, Jeremy C. LEXIS Law Pub. c1999-.
This three-volume set provides a comprehensive look at civil trials and appeals and includes references to statutes, rules of court, administrative regulations, and case law.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas criminal codes & rules : Annotated
Latest received: 2021 Edition. By Texas. Texas Lawyer Press. 2018-.
"Up-to-date and easy-to-read, Texas Criminal Codes & Rules Annotated contains over 1900 annotations. Also: New Legislative Amendments, Cases and Annotations; Court of Criminal Appeals cases of first impression interpreting the Code of Criminal Procedure, Penal Code and Rules of Evidence and Appellate Procedure; Code of Criminal Procedure and Penal Code; Selected portions of the Health & Safety; Code and Transportation Code; Updated Rules of Evidence and Rules of Appellate Procedure, Controlled Substances Act, Chart Regarding Legal and Factual Sufficiency, A Glossary of Spanish Legal Terms for Texas Criminal Practice." - publisher's description
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This is a featured Texas title Texas criminal forms
By Gill, Robert K. James Publishing. 2020.
"[In this book] you receive new forms and practice tips, plus revised and/or updated coverage of the law, to help you navigate the issues that may arise at various stages of a criminal case." -Publisher's Description
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This is a featured Texas title Texas criminal lawyer's handbook
Latest received: Release 23, March 2023. By Daniel, Mark G. James Publishing. 2023.
"Written by two experienced criminal defense attorneys, this handbook provides in-depth practical advice on over 250 topics relating to criminal proceedings including search and seizures; bail and bonds; pretrial, trial and post-trial matters; as well as expunctions and nondisclosures." -Publisher's Description
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This is a featured Texas title Texas criminal practice guide
By Matthew Bender (Firm). M. Bender. 1979-.
"This guide's six volumes are arranged by section to correspond with the progression of the Texas criminal justice system, making their detailed information easy to access. Each volume contains a number of chapters divided into four parts covering legal backgrounds, procedural practice tips, sample forms, and research resources and bibliographies." - publisher's description
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This is a featured Texas title Texas criminal procedure & the offender with mental illness
By The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Texas (NAMI). The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Texas. Sixth edition. 2019.
This online educational guide for the public and practitioners, now in its new sixth edition, provides an analysis of the laws regarding offenders with mental illness, including a discussion of appropriate treatment, competency to stand trial, the insanity defense, and post-conviction issues.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas drunk driving law
Latest received: 2025 Edition. By Hoelscher, Joseph F. Matthew Bender & Company, Inc. 2017-.
"LexisNexis Practice Guide: Texas Drunk Driving Law is designed to guide you step-by-step through your practice of drunk driving law. The Practice Guide provides comprehensive coverage of the essentials for trial practice, supported by citations to the most relevant state and federal case law, rules, and statutes. This indispensable guidebook for maintaining a successful DWI practice contains numerous sample forms, helpful practice tips, and authoritative resources." - publisher's description
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This is a featured Texas title Texas litigation guide
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1977-.
This comprehensive set explains the law and procedure in a given area and then provides drafting guides to prepare the forms. The set is divided into 10 different units: Pretrial Practice, Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Pleadings in Business Entity Litigation, Pleadings in Commercial Litigation, Pleadings in Real Estate Litigation, Pleadings in Personal Injury Litigation, Family Code Litigation, Probate Code Litigation, and Administrative Proceedings. (Due to publisher restrictions, this title may only be checked out from home by government employees. Members of the public must visit the library in person to view this title electronically or in print.)
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
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State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas. 2018.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas. 2020.
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State Bar of Texas. 2021.
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State Bar of Texas. 2022.
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By Cammack, Mark E. West Acadmic Publishing. Third edition. 2016.
"Designed for use as supplemental reading in an advanced criminal procedure course on the post-investigation processing of a criminal case. Includes a clear, concise, and thorough narrative explanation of the issues involved in the prosecution and adjudication of a criminal case, from the decision to prosecute and pre-trial release through to sentencing, appeal and collateral attack. Ideal reference for students and practitioners." - publisher's description
Latest received: Release 7, 2018. By Axelrad, David M. Law Journal Press. 2011-.
This title takes a wide-lens view of appellate practice at both the federal and state level. Aimed at practitioners and students, it covers appellate practice from start to finish, including preserving issues for appeal, appellate motion practice, post-appeal proceedings, and more.
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By Bergman, Paul. Nolo. Fifth edition. 2020.
"Unravels the mysteries of criminal law with a plain-English style that incorporates real-life examples, famous films and entertaining hypotheticals. Arranged from A to Z, this desk reference explains criminal law, from abuse excuse to writ of habeas corpus." - publisher's description
By Ohlin, Jens David. West/Thomson. Seventh edition. 2023.
"Major emphasis is placed on the basic premises of criminal law, including its sources and general limitations. This Hornbook provides detailed discussion on the topics of responsibility, justification and excuse, inchoate crimes, accomplice, and liability. Attention is also given to subjects such as causation, insanity, and conspiracy." - publisher's description
By Kennedy, Joseph E. West. Seventh edition. 2024.
"This guide helps you gain an overview of and develop perspective on the area of criminal law. It is organized into eight sections for quick reference. Expert discussion explores punishment, specific crimes, and the ingredients of a crime such as mens rea and actus reus. Other topics covered include special defenses, the burden of proof, and inchoate and group criminality. It also reflects on the limitations of criminal law." - publisher's description
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By del Carmen, Rolando V. 2010.
In any episode of the popular television show Law and Order, questions of police procedure in collecting evidence often arise. Was a search legal? Was the evidence obtained lawfully? Did the police follow the rules in pursuing their case? While the show depicts fictional cases and scenarios, police procedure with regard to search and seizure is a real and significant issue in the criminal justice system today. The subject of many Supreme Court decisions, they seriously impact the way police pursue their investigations, the way prosecutors proceed with their cases, and the way defense attorneys defend their clients. This book answers these questions and explains these decisions in accessible and easy to follow language. Each chapter explores a separate case or series of cases involving the application of the Fourth Amendment to current police investigatory practices or prosecutorial conduct of the criminal trial. The police-related cases involve topics such as searches of...
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By Streib, Victor L. West Academic Publishing. Fifth edition. 2017.
An overview of basic death penalty laws and procedures as well as more complex issues such as systemic bias and execution of the innocent.
By Castanias, Gregory A. Thompson-West. Third edition. 2023.
"This Nutshell provides a comprehensive overview of federal appellate practice and procedure, suitable for practicing lawyers as a deskbook, and for law students as a study aid. It focuses both on the federal courts of appeals and on the US Supreme Court. Federal circuit court topics include, among others, preservation of error, the final judgment rule and its exceptions, the notice of appeal, parties to the appeal, relief pending appeal, standards and scope of review, briefing and oral argument, alternative dispute resolution, entry of judgment, and rehearing en banc. Supreme Court topics include, among others, jurisdiction over federal cases, jurisdiction over state cases, the certiorari process, original jurisdiction, briefing and oral argument, and the role of the Solicitor General. Also included are discussions of the structure and caseloads of the federal appellate system, appellate ethics and professionalism, certification of issues to state courts, and the future of appellate j…
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Hertz, Randy. LexisNexis Matthew Bender. Seventh edition. 2015-.
This title provides an overview of the federal habeas corpus process.
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State Bar of Texas. 2020.
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By Wright, Charles Alan. West Academic Publishing. Eighth edition. 2017.
"This title offers practical guidance and comprehensive coverage on all aspects of federal court jurisdiction and litigation procedure, as well as the relationship between the state and federal courts. Text reviews the federal judicial system; judicial power of the United States; diversity of citizenship; venue; law applied in federal courts; pleadings, trials, and judgments; and appellate court and Supreme Court jurisdiction." - publisher's description
State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas. 2018.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas. 2020.
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State Bar of Texas. 2021.
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State Bar of Texas. 2022.
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State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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By Simpson, Reagan W. American Bar Association. ;2020-09. 2020.
Trial lawyers often must make split-second decisions and judgment calls that do not follow all the procedural steps required to ensure presentation of an issue on appeal. Focusing on the preservation of appellate complaints in federal trial courts, this book helps civil trial and civil appellate lawyers take the right steps to ensure preservation of appellate complaints. This guide sets out the rules for preserving complaints on appeal, beginning with a general approach to preservation rules. Chapters address pre-trial, trial, and post-trial preservation issues, as well as handling objections to a magistrate's ruling or recommendation. The book's focus on opinions from United States courts of appeals with citations from all circuits. Invaluable appendices make this an essential volume for lawyers who need to preserve complaints on appeal. The book includes a checklist of preservation items followed by two important research tools: Listed with each preservation item are West's Key Numbe…
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By LaFave, Wayne R. West Academic Publishing. Third edition. 2017.
"Expertly written to provide comprehensive coverage of the most crucial issues in a course, the Concise Hornbook Series features concise analyses by prominent scholars of basic areas of the law. The Series focuses on core principles and concepts fundamental to understanding the subject matter. LaFave's Principles of Criminal Law provides detailed discussion on the topics of responsibility, justification and excuse, inchoate crimes and accomplice liability. The book also gives attention to subjects such as causation, insanity and conspiracy." - publisher's description
By LaFave, Wayne. West. Second edition. 2009.
This title examines the more formal part of the criminal process, from bail to post-conviction review.
By Pfander, James E. West Academic Publishing. Fourth edition. 2021.
"Designed for students in advanced courses and newly revised, this book explains the leading principles of federal jurisdiction. It covers such landmarks as Marbury v. Madison and Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents and the rules that govern original and appellate jurisdiction, justiciability and abstention, federal habeas corpus, and sovereign immunity. It discusses the enemy combatant cases, culminating in Boumediene, and recent Supreme Court decisions on such diverse issues as the legal foundation of the Ex parte Young action, the limits of federal ingredient jurisdiction, the demise of prudential standing, and the jurisdictional nuances of consumer class action litigation. Perhaps most important, the book provides students with a sense of the argumentative possibilities available to lawyers and jurists working within the federal courts’ tradition." - publisher's description
State Bar of Texas. 2021.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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By American Bar Association. American Bar Association. 1;EB2015ED. 2015.
This handy, 2015 edition of The Federal Rules Book provides all the rules, amendments, and any major revisions to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure and more. In this attractive annual edition this year, you'll find: • Updates and revisions to the Federal Rules of Evidence • Updates and revisions to the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure • Updates and revisions to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
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