Ethics and the Law
» Judicial Conduct
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Texas litigation guide
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1977-.
This comprehensive set explains the law and procedure in a given area and then provides drafting guides to prepare the forms. The set is divided into 10 different units: Pretrial Practice, Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Pleadings in Business Entity Litigation, Pleadings in Commercial Litigation, Pleadings in Real Estate Litigation, Pleadings in Personal Injury Litigation, Family Code Litigation, Probate Code Litigation, and Administrative Proceedings. (Due to publisher restrictions, this title may only be checked out from home by government employees. Members of the public must visit the library in person to view this title electronically or in print.)
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas small-firm practice tools
By Stormer, Cindy. James Publishing, Inc. 2024.
With over 560 forms for 16 practice areas, bring order and method to your practice, tackle new areas with confidence, and avoid omissions and wasted effort. This series includes step-by-step procedures, voice-of-experience tips, answers to common questions, mistakes to avoid, tax considerations, and practice checklists for small firms.
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By Garwin, Arthur H. American Bar Association. 3;2017-03. 2017.
The Model Code of Judicial Conduct is intended to establish standards for ethical conduct of judges,provide guidance to judges and candidates for judicial office and provide structure for regulating conduct through disciplinary agencies. It consists of broad statements called Canons, which state overarching principles of judicial conduct, followed by enforceable black letter Rules, and Comments that provide both aspirational statements and guidance in interpreting and applying the Rules. It also includes a Preamble and Scope Section, a Terminology Section and an Application Section. Each chapter in the Annotated Model Code of Judicial Conduct includes a Section of the Code, including its Rules and Comments and a detailed discussion of its background, meaning, application and interpretation. The book includes citations to over 1,000 cases, hundreds of ethics opinions and numerous law review articles, making it a definitive examination of the current state of judicial ethics.
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By Turvey, Brent E. 2013.
Ethics courses are a vital component of forensic science degree programs, and Ethical Justice is a resource specifically designed for instructors and students of forensic science and criminology. Case-based, and emphasizing practical ethical issues as opposed to ethics theory, this book provides a solid foundation in ethical dilemmas that can confront both students and professionals in the field. Encompassing issues arising in academia, law enforcement, and court and corrections systems, Ethical Justice is an inclusive, relevant work in applied ethics written by practitioners who also teach forensic science and criminology. Serves as a valuable text for ethics courses in forensic science and criminology, and provides case studies to illustrate issues in real-life situations.
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LexisNexis. Fifth edition. c2013.
The fifth edition of this definitive title, covering every type of accountable judicial action, is divided into three categories: judicial conduct, extrajudicial conduct, and judicial selection. Judicial conduct includes chapters on use of power, judicial demeanor, disqualification, and ex parte communications. Extrajudicial conduct includes financial activities, financial disclosure, charitable activities, and personal conduct. The chapters on judicial selection cover election and political activities and appointment and confirmation. The fourth part covers different systems of judicial regulation. Appendices include the 1990 and the 2007 ABA Model Code of Judicial Conduct as well as guidelines for judicial disability cases.
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By Rotunda, Ronald D. West. Fifth edition. 2018.
"Many law professors aim to probe deep ethical issues in class. But they also need to cover the material that the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination requires. The Rotunda Nutshell fulfils that need as it digests the Model Rules in an engaging, analytical, and often critical way. In a surprisingly pithy manner, this book places the Rules in an historic context that lets the student understand problems with prior versions of the Rules and the Model Code. The Nutshell also analyzes the American Law Institute's Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers, Third. This approach frees up precious class time for important normative issues. And, this Nutshell helps your students come up with better answers to your Socratic questions than you anticipated. This book has proved so popular as an explanation of the basic principles of legal ethics that it has been translated into Japanese." -publisher's description
By Rhode, Deborah. 2nd ed.. 2007.
This study aid contains in-depth coverage of the law of professional responsibility standards and disciplinary issues.
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» Legal Ethics
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Texas legal malpractice & lawyer discipline
Texas Lawyer. 2020.
"Texas case law governing legal malpractice continues to develop rapidly, and ethics committees constantly issue new opinions and guidelines. Texas Legal Malpractice & Lawyer Discipline is a practical and easy-to-use book that walks attorneys through the minefield of modern lawyering. It includes major developments over the past year, with explanatory commentary, practice tips, and helpful charts." - publisher's description
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This is a featured Texas title Texas litigation guide
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1977-.
This comprehensive set explains the law and procedure in a given area and then provides drafting guides to prepare the forms. The set is divided into 10 different units: Pretrial Practice, Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Pleadings in Business Entity Litigation, Pleadings in Commercial Litigation, Pleadings in Real Estate Litigation, Pleadings in Personal Injury Litigation, Family Code Litigation, Probate Code Litigation, and Administrative Proceedings. (Due to publisher restrictions, this title may only be checked out from home by government employees. Members of the public must visit the library in person to view this title electronically or in print.)
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
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Read online Table of contents View details in library catalog
This is a featured Texas title Texas small-firm practice tools
By Stormer, Cindy. James Publishing, Inc. 2024.
With over 560 forms for 16 practice areas, bring order and method to your practice, tackle new areas with confidence, and avoid omissions and wasted effort. This series includes step-by-step procedures, voice-of-experience tips, answers to common questions, mistakes to avoid, tax considerations, and practice checklists for small firms.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas torts and remedies
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1987-.
This multivolume treatise discusses in detail the law around various torts and their legal remedies. Includes personal and professional liability, products liability, premises liability, insurance claims, commercial torts, etc.
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By Bennett, Ellen J. American Bar Association. 9;2019-10. 2019.
The Ninth Edition incorporates all of the amendments the ABA has made to the Model Rules of Professional Conduct through February 2019 - including the 2018 amendments to the advertising rules and new Model Rule 8.4(g), prohibiting discrimination and harassment in conduct related to the practice of law. Comprehensive and authoritative: Each chapter begins with the rule and its comment, a link to charts comparing each state's rule with the Model Rule, and then presents a detailed discussion of how the rule has been applied. The book gives citations to thousands of court cases, ethics opinions, law review articles, and internet resources, as well as treatises, the Restatement (3rd) of the Law Governing Lawyers, and the legislative history of the Model Rules.
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By American Bar Association. American Bar Association. 1;1. 2015.
For lawyer discipline to be truly effective, sanctions must be based on clearly developed standards. Inappropriate sanctions can undermine the goals of lawyer discipline: sanctions which are too lenient fail to adequately deter misconduct and thus lower public confidence in the profession; sanctions which are too onerous may impair confidence in the system and deter lawyers from reporting ethical violations on the part of other lawyers. Inconsistent sanctions, either within a jurisdiction or among jurisdictions, cast doubt on the efficiency and the basic fairness of all disciplinary systems. This inaugural edition of the Annotated Standards for Imposing Lawyer Sanctions presents an authoritative and practical analysis of the cases and other legal authorities essential to understanding the application of the black letter Standards. This book is a must buy for state supreme courts, lawyer disciplinary counsel, disciplinary adjudicators and lawyers representing other lawyers in the disci…
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By Rosen, Ellyn S. American Bar Association. 2;2019-10. 2019.
For lawyer discipline to be truly effective, sanctions must be based on clearly developed standards. Inappropriate sanctions can undermine the goals of lawyer discipline: sanctions which are too lenient fail to adequately deter misconduct and thus lower public confidence in the profession; sanctions which are too onerous may impair confidence in the system and deter lawyers from reporting ethical violations on the part of other lawyers. Inconsistent sanctions, either within a jurisdiction or among jurisdictions, cast doubt on the efficiency and the basic fairness of all disciplinary systems. This edition presents an authoritative and practical analysis of the cases and other legal authorities essential to understanding the application of the black letter Standards and is a must buy for state supreme courts, lawyer disciplinary counsel, and disciplinary adjudicators.
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By Epstein, Edna Selan. American Bar Association. 6;2017-8. 2017.
The Attorney-Client Privilege and Work-Product Doctrine has proven to be an invaluable resource for litigators and has been the ABA Section of Litigation's bestseller since publication of the first edition. This newly revised sixth edition has been updated with the most current developments in attorney-client privilege and work-product protection. A thorough analysis of the following topics is included: Attorney-Client Privilege Purpose, Scope, and Standing Elements; Forfeiture or Waiver Exceptions to Application Criminal Convictions Based on Attorney Testimony Survival of the Privilege International Context Ethical Concerns, Constitutional Issues, and Strategic Issues Work-Product Protection Purpose, Scope, and Procedural Matters Elements; Qualifications on Protection Protecting Attorney's Mental Impressions Waiver and Exceptions Factors Common to Both Attorney-Client Privilege and Work-Product Protection Underlying Facts Not Privilege Protected Redaction and Procedural Issues Deposi…
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By Rodrig, Oscar Rey. American Bar Association. 1;2016-2. 2016.
This Sixth Edition has been updated and expanded to include new revisions of the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine. Many of the previous chapters have been completely revised, while others have gone through a comprehensive rewrite. Legislative activity at both the state and federal level to limit (or preserve) evidentiary privilege and confidentiality duties of attorneys, along with debates over the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and related enactments, continue to fuel the perception that attorney-client privilege is under attack. Fortunately, this oldest of Anglo-American evidentiary privileges continues to hold its own. Much of the conflict and controversy continues to play out in the courts. Independent of judicial determinations on privilege, the practical fragility of confidentiality continues to take the national stage as the media reports on governmental surveillance, massive data breaches and the interception of electronic communications between attorneys and their clien…
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By Walkowiak, Vincent S. American Bar Association. 7;2021-03. 2021.
Written especially with the practitioner in mind, this revised edition provides guidance for understanding and handling the many complexities of attorney-client privilege and confidential communication in the corporate setting. Chapters in this practical guide are written by a team of professionals with diverse experience and background. The authors illustrate, and in many cases offer solutions to, those problems being addressed through the application and interpretation of the attorney-client privilege and the attorney work-product doctrine. Although seemingly simple in definition, the interpretation of these two principles is increasingly being tested as new legal entities are created and modern technology is employed in today's legal environment. Sharing their insights and expertise on the most important aspects of protecting the free flow of information between attorney and client, the book's authors cover these key topics and more: Guidance for corporate counsel Perspectives on th…
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By Responsibility, Center for Professional. American Bar Association. 2011;2011. 2014.
The 2011 Edition is a compilation of policies adopted by the American Bar Association for the protection of the profession's clients and the public. Includes: • Model Rules for Lawyers' Funds for Client Protection • Model Rules for Trust Account Overdraft Notification • Model Rules for Client Trust Account Records • Model Rule for Random Audit of Lawyer Trust Accounts • Model Rule for Payee Notification • Model Rules for Fee Arbitration • Model Rules for Mediation of Client - Lawyer Disputes • Guidelines for the Adoption of a Definition of the Practice of Law • Model Court Rule on Insurance Disclosure • Model Court Rule on Provision of Legal Services Following the Determination of Major Disaster
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By American Bar Association Center for Professional Responsibility. American Bar Association. 2022 edition. 2022.
The Compendium presents models for ethical and professional conduct and standards for enforcing that conduct that have been developed by the American Bar Association. These models have been used as the foundation for most state regulations and as interpretive guidance for the courts in their resolution of professional responsibility issues. Despite the local variations in the way they have been adopted (occasionally significant), they serve to familiarize the reader with the philosophy of lawyer regulation and can be used to initiate review of substantive issues unfamiliar to the lawyer, student or scholar. In addition, the Compendium contains a selection of federal Rules and Standards that are commonly needed in the general practice of law, and in practice before the SEC and IRS, and that impact upon a number of ethical rules of conduct, such as the rules regarding competence and meritorious claims and contentions. Information on the composition, jurisdiction and procedures of the ABA…
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By ABA Center for Professional Responsibility. American Bar Association. 2020 edition. 2020.
The Compendium presents models for ethical and professional conduct and standards for enforcing that conduct that have been developed by the American Bar Association. These models have been used as the foundation for most state regulations and as interpretive guidance for the courts in their resolution of professional responsibility issues. Despite the local variations in the way they have been adopted (occasionally significant), they serve to familiarize the reader with the philosophy of lawyer regulation and can be used to initiate review of substantive issues unfamiliar to the lawyer, student or scholar. In addition, the Compendium contains a selection of federal Rules and Standards that are commonly needed in the general practice of law, and in practice before the SEC and IRS, and that impact upon a number of ethical rules of conduct, such as the rules regarding competence and meritorious claims and contentions. Information on the composition, jurisdiction and procedures of the ABA…
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By American Bar Association Center for Professional Responsibility. American Bar Association. 2019;2019-10. 2019.
Compendium of Professional Responsibility Rules and Standards, 2019 Edition gathers the essential legal ethics materials needed by lawyers and judges in their daily practice; and law students and legal scholars in their exploration and analysis of the changing currents that influence professional regulation. It is now updated to include 6 new Formal Opinions.
Note: A newer edition of this title is available electronically.
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By Turvey, Brent E. 2013.
Ethics courses are a vital component of forensic science degree programs, and Ethical Justice is a resource specifically designed for instructors and students of forensic science and criminology. Case-based, and emphasizing practical ethical issues as opposed to ethics theory, this book provides a solid foundation in ethical dilemmas that can confront both students and professionals in the field. Encompassing issues arising in academia, law enforcement, and court and corrections systems, Ethical Justice is an inclusive, relevant work in applied ethics written by practitioners who also teach forensic science and criminology. Serves as a valuable text for ethics courses in forensic science and criminology, and provides case studies to illustrate issues in real-life situations.
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By Russell, Irma S. American Bar Association. ;2020-09. 2020.
While each state establishes the rules of legal ethics applicable to the practice of law in that jurisdiction, states generally start from the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct in formulating the rules for lawyers in that state. The common law and statutory law continue to play an important role in how lawyers should analyze challenges that arise in practice in fulfilling their professional duties. Environmental practice can seem to involve an endless stream of ethical problems. These issues should always be taken seriously, but the need for cautious and thorough analysis of ethical questions is of paramount importance when issues of safety are implicated. Ethics and Environmental Practice deals with the critical questions that face the environmental lawyer, and considers the major issues relating to ethics challenges, including: Developing an awareness of ethics issues Conflicts of interest Confidentiality Special issues of competency Multijurisdictional and multidisciplinary …
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American Immigration Lawyers Association. c[2004].
As an immigration attorney, it is imperative that you continually strive to maintain the highest ethical standards. AILAs Ethics In a Brave New World, will provide insightful articles on:--Professional Responsibility --Personal Accountability --Risk Management for Immigration Practitioners These are all qualities that this complex field requires today.
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By Flowers, Roberta K. American Bar Association. 1;1. 2014.
In an elder law practice, ethical issues can occur at any point in the representation, and in some cases these unexpected situations can take the attorney by surprise. Ethics in the Practice of Elder Law provides an informed overview of the most common issues that can occur, explains the issues that can arise and how to be alert for them, and suggest ways to work through these issues effectively and ethically. Authors Roberta K. Flowers and Rebecca C. Morgan offer a range of hypothetical situations, along with a series opening questions for each, followed by a discussion/suggestions for analyzing and responding to the issue. These discussions offer a reliable framework for analyzing the ethical questions within the scope of the Model Rules and ancillary resources. The authors give readers the knowledge to determine which questions to ask in the representation. They refer to and discuss the 9 "C s" of elder law ethics: • Competency: where to find guidance • Client: who is the clien…
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By Fox, Lawrence J. American Bar Association. ;2020-07. 2020.
The practice of law can seem so simple, yet so daunting. The lawyer earns fees by representing clients, but is also subject to limits that can put the brakes on client representation. This is called "fighting fair," which requires zealous advocacy within the bounds of the law. The law that governs the conduct of lawyers in litigation and practice includes each jurisdiction's Rules of Professional Conduct, common law (such as agency and malpractice law), a few statutes (such as fee-shifting provisions), and court rules (such as Rules of Civil Procedure). A lawyer's license to practice, and income, depend on understanding of all these bodies of law, as adopted in each jurisdiction. Violation of a jurisdiction's Rules of Professional Conduct can result in professional discipline, with sanctions ranging from disbarment, suspension from practice, and fines to public and private reprimands. This book covers both trial lawyer ethics and matters outside the courtroom. It covers topics common t…
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Latest received: Automatic updates. By Hazard, Geoffrey C. Aspen Publishers. Fourth edition. [2015]-.
"The Law of Lawyering shows how to approach concrete problems that arise in everyday practice while staying within the letter and spirit of the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct. It provides the full text of each Model Rule provision in sequence, followed by the authors' guidance and commentary, which put the rule into context, help identify its key features, and show its relation to other Rules and the ALI's Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers. Clear, realistic examples demonstrate how each Rule applies in practice." -publisher's description
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By Professional Liability Committee. American Bar Association. 1;1. 2014.
The recent popularity of suits against lawyers has highlighted a number of issues that distinguish the claim from the run-of-the-mill negligence to cause of action. Lawyers who prosecute or defend legal malpractice claims must understand their state's legal malpractice laws and, when a claim involves multiple jurisdictions, must also consider the potentially applicable laws of other involved jurisdictions. This guide provides a state-by-state review of laws in each state pertaining to the laws of lawyer liability. Each chapter is devoted to the law of each state, written by lawyers in that particular state for easy comparison. Whether a lawyer is involved in litigating legal malpractice actions or merely wants to understand more about these matters, this book is intended to serve as a resource to how the law varies state by state.
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By Jacobowitz, Jan L. American Bar Association. 1;2017-09. 2017.
As social media is inescapable, it's essential for attorneys to understand how to interact with it ethically. This handbook provides guidance for ethical "digital competence" - both when representing clients and when managing your practice's social media presence.
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By Rotunda, Ronald D. West. Fifth edition. 2018.
"Many law professors aim to probe deep ethical issues in class. But they also need to cover the material that the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination requires. The Rotunda Nutshell fulfils that need as it digests the Model Rules in an engaging, analytical, and often critical way. In a surprisingly pithy manner, this book places the Rules in an historic context that lets the student understand problems with prior versions of the Rules and the Model Code. The Nutshell also analyzes the American Law Institute's Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers, Third. This approach frees up precious class time for important normative issues. And, this Nutshell helps your students come up with better answers to your Socratic questions than you anticipated. This book has proved so popular as an explanation of the basic principles of legal ethics that it has been translated into Japanese." -publisher's description
By Sisk, Gregory C. West Academic Publishing. 2018.
"As the legal profession undergoes structural changes, longstanding principles of ethics still govern the day-to-day lives of practicing lawyers. This new Hornbook on professional responsibility provides both a snapshot of ongoing systemic changes and a thorough examination of the fundamentals of lawyer and judicial ethics. As a multi-dimensional work by scholarly experts in several fields, the Hornbook (1) begins with the changing environment in which legal services are provided in the modern economy; (2) continues with a theoretical grounding of legal ethics in moral philosophy; (3) offers empirical evidence and discussion about professional formation and moral development; (4) provides a comprehensive analysis of the law of lawyer ethics; (5) includes a rich discussion of the modern law of legal malpractice, and (6) concludes with exploration of the rules of judicial ethics." - publisher's description
By Johnson, Vincent R. West Academic Publishing. Third edition. 2021.
"Legal Malpractice Law in a Nutshell charts the dynamic field of lawyer professional liability. With reference to recent cases and statutory developments, the book covers prominent causes of action (including professional negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, and fraud), the role of experts in malpractice litigation, theories of liability to nonclients, affirmative defenses, damages, and fee forfeiture. The book also explores the vicarious liability of lawyers and law firms, conflicts of interest, strategies for reducing errors and claims, and the role of malpractice insurance." -publisher's description
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By Center for Professional Responsibility, American Bar Association. American Bar Association. 2024 Edition. 2024.
For more than one hundred years, the American Bar Association has provided leadership in legal ethics and professional responsibility through the adoption of professional standards that serve as models of the regulatory law governing the legal profession. The 2021 Edition of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct provides an up-to-date resource for information on lawyer ethics. The Rules, with some variations, have been adopted in 50 jurisdictions. Federal, state, and local courts in all jurisdictions look to the Rules for guidance in resolving lawyer malpractice cases, disciplinary actions, disqualification issues, sanctions questions, and more. This 2021 Edition of the Model Rules includes the amendments to Model Rule 1.8(e) that American Bar Association adopted on August 12, 2020. This amendment allows lawyers, representing someone on a pro bono basis, to provide limited financial assistance to that client.
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By American Bar Association Center for Professional Responsibility. American Bar Association. 2020 Edition. 2020.
Model Rules of Professional Conduct is the up-to-date resource for information on lawyer ethics. Federal, state, and local courts in all jurisdictions look to the Rules for guidance in resolving lawyer malpractice cases, disciplinary actions, disqualification issues, sanctions questions, and much more.
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By Zavieh, Megan Elizabeth. American Bar Association. ;2021-03. 2021.
Law practice is a business. Like every other industry, it is affected by improvements in technology and general changes in society. If you plan to practice law in the next ten to 40 years, you must be prepared to adapt to the changing landscape while meeting your ethical obligations. Braving evolution and working to adapt within a staid profession can be frightening, but it is also exciting. With guidelines on topics from ethics to office management, changes in payment technologies, managing client expectations, and gaining competence in new practice areas, this book will prepare you to stare down any fears and prepare you for lawyering in today's world and in tomorrow's.
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By Garwin, Arthur. American Bar Association. 1;2016-2. 2016.
Professional responsibility is at the core of delivering effective legal services. Paralegals are expected to obey the ethics rules by which their lawyer employers are bound. To help paralegals stay on top of ethics issues, the ABA Center for Professional Responsibility has updated The Paralegal's Guide to Professional Responsibility. The new fourth edition reviews the ethics issues that are relevant to paralegals, legal assistants, secretaries, and other employees of law firms, corporations, and law-related organizations and offers guidance that can be adapted to practice in any jurisdiction. This new edition encompasses all recent changes to the Model Rules, along with updated references to court decisions and other resources. The book also features an entirely new chapter focused on communications. The book is designed to help paralegals understand key areas of the Model Rules and related ethics issues. In addition to a thorough examination of the Model Rules as they relate to paral…
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By Garwin, Arthur H. American Bar Association. 5;2021-03. 2021.
Professional responsibility is at the core of delivering effective legal services. Paralegals are expected to obey the ethics rules by which their lawyer employers are bound. To help paralegals stay on top of ethics issues, the ABA Center for Professional Responsibility has updated The Paralegal's Guide to Professional Responsibility . The fifth edition reviews the ethics issues that are relevant to paralegals, legal assistants, secretaries, and other employees of law firms, corporations, and law-related organizations and offers guidance that can be adapted to practice in any jurisdiction. This edition encompasses all recent changes to the Model Rules, along with updated references to court decisions and other resources. The book is designed to help paralegals understand key areas of the Model Rules and related ethics issues. Subjects include: what constitutes the unauthorized practice of law what a lawyer cannot delegate to a paralegal the issues of competence and diligence in a para…
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By Rhode, Deborah. 2nd ed.. 2007.
This study aid contains in-depth coverage of the law of professional responsibility standards and disciplinary issues.
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By Lawless, Joseph F. LexisNexis. Fourth edition. c2008.
A comprehensive and scholarly analysis of every prosecutorial abuse, from the initiation of a criminal investigation through the appeal and post-conviction stages for both federal and state jurisdictions; also provides the defense bar with proven battle plans.
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By Weiner, Daniel I. Brennan Center for Justice. 2017.
"Marked by conflicts of interest and ethical lapses, the first year of the Trump presidency has fueled debates about our system of federal ethics in Washington and across the nation." -publisher's description
» All Titles
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Texas legal malpractice & lawyer discipline
Texas Lawyer. 2020.
"Texas case law governing legal malpractice continues to develop rapidly, and ethics committees constantly issue new opinions and guidelines. Texas Legal Malpractice & Lawyer Discipline is a practical and easy-to-use book that walks attorneys through the minefield of modern lawyering. It includes major developments over the past year, with explanatory commentary, practice tips, and helpful charts." - publisher's description
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This is a featured Texas title Texas litigation guide
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1977-.
This comprehensive set explains the law and procedure in a given area and then provides drafting guides to prepare the forms. The set is divided into 10 different units: Pretrial Practice, Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Pleadings in Business Entity Litigation, Pleadings in Commercial Litigation, Pleadings in Real Estate Litigation, Pleadings in Personal Injury Litigation, Family Code Litigation, Probate Code Litigation, and Administrative Proceedings. (Due to publisher restrictions, this title may only be checked out from home by government employees. Members of the public must visit the library in person to view this title electronically or in print.)
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas small-firm practice tools
By Stormer, Cindy. James Publishing, Inc. 2024.
With over 560 forms for 16 practice areas, bring order and method to your practice, tackle new areas with confidence, and avoid omissions and wasted effort. This series includes step-by-step procedures, voice-of-experience tips, answers to common questions, mistakes to avoid, tax considerations, and practice checklists for small firms.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas torts and remedies
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1987-.
This multivolume treatise discusses in detail the law around various torts and their legal remedies. Includes personal and professional liability, products liability, premises liability, insurance claims, commercial torts, etc.
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By Garwin, Arthur H. American Bar Association. 3;2017-03. 2017.
The Model Code of Judicial Conduct is intended to establish standards for ethical conduct of judges,provide guidance to judges and candidates for judicial office and provide structure for regulating conduct through disciplinary agencies. It consists of broad statements called Canons, which state overarching principles of judicial conduct, followed by enforceable black letter Rules, and Comments that provide both aspirational statements and guidance in interpreting and applying the Rules. It also includes a Preamble and Scope Section, a Terminology Section and an Application Section. Each chapter in the Annotated Model Code of Judicial Conduct includes a Section of the Code, including its Rules and Comments and a detailed discussion of its background, meaning, application and interpretation. The book includes citations to over 1,000 cases, hundreds of ethics opinions and numerous law review articles, making it a definitive examination of the current state of judicial ethics.
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By Bennett, Ellen J. American Bar Association. 9;2019-10. 2019.
The Ninth Edition incorporates all of the amendments the ABA has made to the Model Rules of Professional Conduct through February 2019 - including the 2018 amendments to the advertising rules and new Model Rule 8.4(g), prohibiting discrimination and harassment in conduct related to the practice of law. Comprehensive and authoritative: Each chapter begins with the rule and its comment, a link to charts comparing each state's rule with the Model Rule, and then presents a detailed discussion of how the rule has been applied. The book gives citations to thousands of court cases, ethics opinions, law review articles, and internet resources, as well as treatises, the Restatement (3rd) of the Law Governing Lawyers, and the legislative history of the Model Rules.
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By American Bar Association. American Bar Association. 1;1. 2015.
For lawyer discipline to be truly effective, sanctions must be based on clearly developed standards. Inappropriate sanctions can undermine the goals of lawyer discipline: sanctions which are too lenient fail to adequately deter misconduct and thus lower public confidence in the profession; sanctions which are too onerous may impair confidence in the system and deter lawyers from reporting ethical violations on the part of other lawyers. Inconsistent sanctions, either within a jurisdiction or among jurisdictions, cast doubt on the efficiency and the basic fairness of all disciplinary systems. This inaugural edition of the Annotated Standards for Imposing Lawyer Sanctions presents an authoritative and practical analysis of the cases and other legal authorities essential to understanding the application of the black letter Standards. This book is a must buy for state supreme courts, lawyer disciplinary counsel, disciplinary adjudicators and lawyers representing other lawyers in the disci…
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By Rosen, Ellyn S. American Bar Association. 2;2019-10. 2019.
For lawyer discipline to be truly effective, sanctions must be based on clearly developed standards. Inappropriate sanctions can undermine the goals of lawyer discipline: sanctions which are too lenient fail to adequately deter misconduct and thus lower public confidence in the profession; sanctions which are too onerous may impair confidence in the system and deter lawyers from reporting ethical violations on the part of other lawyers. Inconsistent sanctions, either within a jurisdiction or among jurisdictions, cast doubt on the efficiency and the basic fairness of all disciplinary systems. This edition presents an authoritative and practical analysis of the cases and other legal authorities essential to understanding the application of the black letter Standards and is a must buy for state supreme courts, lawyer disciplinary counsel, and disciplinary adjudicators.
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By Responsibility, Center for Professional. American Bar Association. 2011;2011. 2014.
The 2011 Edition is a compilation of policies adopted by the American Bar Association for the protection of the profession's clients and the public. Includes: • Model Rules for Lawyers' Funds for Client Protection • Model Rules for Trust Account Overdraft Notification • Model Rules for Client Trust Account Records • Model Rule for Random Audit of Lawyer Trust Accounts • Model Rule for Payee Notification • Model Rules for Fee Arbitration • Model Rules for Mediation of Client - Lawyer Disputes • Guidelines for the Adoption of a Definition of the Practice of Law • Model Court Rule on Insurance Disclosure • Model Court Rule on Provision of Legal Services Following the Determination of Major Disaster
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By American Bar Association Center for Professional Responsibility. American Bar Association. 2022 edition. 2022.
The Compendium presents models for ethical and professional conduct and standards for enforcing that conduct that have been developed by the American Bar Association. These models have been used as the foundation for most state regulations and as interpretive guidance for the courts in their resolution of professional responsibility issues. Despite the local variations in the way they have been adopted (occasionally significant), they serve to familiarize the reader with the philosophy of lawyer regulation and can be used to initiate review of substantive issues unfamiliar to the lawyer, student or scholar. In addition, the Compendium contains a selection of federal Rules and Standards that are commonly needed in the general practice of law, and in practice before the SEC and IRS, and that impact upon a number of ethical rules of conduct, such as the rules regarding competence and meritorious claims and contentions. Information on the composition, jurisdiction and procedures of the ABA…
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By ABA Center for Professional Responsibility. American Bar Association. 2020 edition. 2020.
The Compendium presents models for ethical and professional conduct and standards for enforcing that conduct that have been developed by the American Bar Association. These models have been used as the foundation for most state regulations and as interpretive guidance for the courts in their resolution of professional responsibility issues. Despite the local variations in the way they have been adopted (occasionally significant), they serve to familiarize the reader with the philosophy of lawyer regulation and can be used to initiate review of substantive issues unfamiliar to the lawyer, student or scholar. In addition, the Compendium contains a selection of federal Rules and Standards that are commonly needed in the general practice of law, and in practice before the SEC and IRS, and that impact upon a number of ethical rules of conduct, such as the rules regarding competence and meritorious claims and contentions. Information on the composition, jurisdiction and procedures of the ABA…
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By American Bar Association Center for Professional Responsibility. American Bar Association. 2019;2019-10. 2019.
Compendium of Professional Responsibility Rules and Standards, 2019 Edition gathers the essential legal ethics materials needed by lawyers and judges in their daily practice; and law students and legal scholars in their exploration and analysis of the changing currents that influence professional regulation. It is now updated to include 6 new Formal Opinions.
Note: A newer edition of this title is available electronically.
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By Turvey, Brent E. 2013.
Ethics courses are a vital component of forensic science degree programs, and Ethical Justice is a resource specifically designed for instructors and students of forensic science and criminology. Case-based, and emphasizing practical ethical issues as opposed to ethics theory, this book provides a solid foundation in ethical dilemmas that can confront both students and professionals in the field. Encompassing issues arising in academia, law enforcement, and court and corrections systems, Ethical Justice is an inclusive, relevant work in applied ethics written by practitioners who also teach forensic science and criminology. Serves as a valuable text for ethics courses in forensic science and criminology, and provides case studies to illustrate issues in real-life situations.
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By Russell, Irma S. American Bar Association. ;2020-09. 2020.
While each state establishes the rules of legal ethics applicable to the practice of law in that jurisdiction, states generally start from the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct in formulating the rules for lawyers in that state. The common law and statutory law continue to play an important role in how lawyers should analyze challenges that arise in practice in fulfilling their professional duties. Environmental practice can seem to involve an endless stream of ethical problems. These issues should always be taken seriously, but the need for cautious and thorough analysis of ethical questions is of paramount importance when issues of safety are implicated. Ethics and Environmental Practice deals with the critical questions that face the environmental lawyer, and considers the major issues relating to ethics challenges, including: Developing an awareness of ethics issues Conflicts of interest Confidentiality Special issues of competency Multijurisdictional and multidisciplinary …
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American Immigration Lawyers Association. c[2004].
As an immigration attorney, it is imperative that you continually strive to maintain the highest ethical standards. AILAs Ethics In a Brave New World, will provide insightful articles on:--Professional Responsibility --Personal Accountability --Risk Management for Immigration Practitioners These are all qualities that this complex field requires today.
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By Flowers, Roberta K. American Bar Association. 1;1. 2014.
In an elder law practice, ethical issues can occur at any point in the representation, and in some cases these unexpected situations can take the attorney by surprise. Ethics in the Practice of Elder Law provides an informed overview of the most common issues that can occur, explains the issues that can arise and how to be alert for them, and suggest ways to work through these issues effectively and ethically. Authors Roberta K. Flowers and Rebecca C. Morgan offer a range of hypothetical situations, along with a series opening questions for each, followed by a discussion/suggestions for analyzing and responding to the issue. These discussions offer a reliable framework for analyzing the ethical questions within the scope of the Model Rules and ancillary resources. The authors give readers the knowledge to determine which questions to ask in the representation. They refer to and discuss the 9 "C s" of elder law ethics: • Competency: where to find guidance • Client: who is the clien…
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By Fox, Lawrence J. American Bar Association. ;2020-07. 2020.
The practice of law can seem so simple, yet so daunting. The lawyer earns fees by representing clients, but is also subject to limits that can put the brakes on client representation. This is called "fighting fair," which requires zealous advocacy within the bounds of the law. The law that governs the conduct of lawyers in litigation and practice includes each jurisdiction's Rules of Professional Conduct, common law (such as agency and malpractice law), a few statutes (such as fee-shifting provisions), and court rules (such as Rules of Civil Procedure). A lawyer's license to practice, and income, depend on understanding of all these bodies of law, as adopted in each jurisdiction. Violation of a jurisdiction's Rules of Professional Conduct can result in professional discipline, with sanctions ranging from disbarment, suspension from practice, and fines to public and private reprimands. This book covers both trial lawyer ethics and matters outside the courtroom. It covers topics common t…
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LexisNexis. Fifth edition. c2013.
The fifth edition of this definitive title, covering every type of accountable judicial action, is divided into three categories: judicial conduct, extrajudicial conduct, and judicial selection. Judicial conduct includes chapters on use of power, judicial demeanor, disqualification, and ex parte communications. Extrajudicial conduct includes financial activities, financial disclosure, charitable activities, and personal conduct. The chapters on judicial selection cover election and political activities and appointment and confirmation. The fourth part covers different systems of judicial regulation. Appendices include the 1990 and the 2007 ABA Model Code of Judicial Conduct as well as guidelines for judicial disability cases.
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By Jacobowitz, Jan L. American Bar Association. 1;2017-09. 2017.
As social media is inescapable, it's essential for attorneys to understand how to interact with it ethically. This handbook provides guidance for ethical "digital competence" - both when representing clients and when managing your practice's social media presence.
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By Rotunda, Ronald D. West. Fifth edition. 2018.
"Many law professors aim to probe deep ethical issues in class. But they also need to cover the material that the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination requires. The Rotunda Nutshell fulfils that need as it digests the Model Rules in an engaging, analytical, and often critical way. In a surprisingly pithy manner, this book places the Rules in an historic context that lets the student understand problems with prior versions of the Rules and the Model Code. The Nutshell also analyzes the American Law Institute's Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers, Third. This approach frees up precious class time for important normative issues. And, this Nutshell helps your students come up with better answers to your Socratic questions than you anticipated. This book has proved so popular as an explanation of the basic principles of legal ethics that it has been translated into Japanese." -publisher's description
By Sisk, Gregory C. West Academic Publishing. 2018.
"As the legal profession undergoes structural changes, longstanding principles of ethics still govern the day-to-day lives of practicing lawyers. This new Hornbook on professional responsibility provides both a snapshot of ongoing systemic changes and a thorough examination of the fundamentals of lawyer and judicial ethics. As a multi-dimensional work by scholarly experts in several fields, the Hornbook (1) begins with the changing environment in which legal services are provided in the modern economy; (2) continues with a theoretical grounding of legal ethics in moral philosophy; (3) offers empirical evidence and discussion about professional formation and moral development; (4) provides a comprehensive analysis of the law of lawyer ethics; (5) includes a rich discussion of the modern law of legal malpractice, and (6) concludes with exploration of the rules of judicial ethics." - publisher's description
By Johnson, Vincent R. West Academic Publishing. Third edition. 2021.
"Legal Malpractice Law in a Nutshell charts the dynamic field of lawyer professional liability. With reference to recent cases and statutory developments, the book covers prominent causes of action (including professional negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, and fraud), the role of experts in malpractice litigation, theories of liability to nonclients, affirmative defenses, damages, and fee forfeiture. The book also explores the vicarious liability of lawyers and law firms, conflicts of interest, strategies for reducing errors and claims, and the role of malpractice insurance." -publisher's description
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By Center for Professional Responsibility, American Bar Association. American Bar Association. 2024 Edition. 2024.
For more than one hundred years, the American Bar Association has provided leadership in legal ethics and professional responsibility through the adoption of professional standards that serve as models of the regulatory law governing the legal profession. The 2021 Edition of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct provides an up-to-date resource for information on lawyer ethics. The Rules, with some variations, have been adopted in 50 jurisdictions. Federal, state, and local courts in all jurisdictions look to the Rules for guidance in resolving lawyer malpractice cases, disciplinary actions, disqualification issues, sanctions questions, and more. This 2021 Edition of the Model Rules includes the amendments to Model Rule 1.8(e) that American Bar Association adopted on August 12, 2020. This amendment allows lawyers, representing someone on a pro bono basis, to provide limited financial assistance to that client.
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By American Bar Association Center for Professional Responsibility. American Bar Association. 2020 Edition. 2020.
Model Rules of Professional Conduct is the up-to-date resource for information on lawyer ethics. Federal, state, and local courts in all jurisdictions look to the Rules for guidance in resolving lawyer malpractice cases, disciplinary actions, disqualification issues, sanctions questions, and much more.
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By Rhode, Deborah. 2nd ed.. 2007.
This study aid contains in-depth coverage of the law of professional responsibility standards and disciplinary issues.
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By Lawless, Joseph F. LexisNexis. Fourth edition. c2008.
A comprehensive and scholarly analysis of every prosecutorial abuse, from the initiation of a criminal investigation through the appeal and post-conviction stages for both federal and state jurisdictions; also provides the defense bar with proven battle plans.
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By Weiner, Daniel I. Brennan Center for Justice. 2017.
"Marked by conflicts of interest and ethical lapses, the first year of the Trump presidency has fueled debates about our system of federal ethics in Washington and across the nation." -publisher's description
By Epstein, Edna Selan. American Bar Association. 6;2017-8. 2017.
The Attorney-Client Privilege and Work-Product Doctrine has proven to be an invaluable resource for litigators and has been the ABA Section of Litigation's bestseller since publication of the first edition. This newly revised sixth edition has been updated with the most current developments in attorney-client privilege and work-product protection. A thorough analysis of the following topics is included: Attorney-Client Privilege Purpose, Scope, and Standing Elements; Forfeiture or Waiver Exceptions to Application Criminal Convictions Based on Attorney Testimony Survival of the Privilege International Context Ethical Concerns, Constitutional Issues, and Strategic Issues Work-Product Protection Purpose, Scope, and Procedural Matters Elements; Qualifications on Protection Protecting Attorney's Mental Impressions Waiver and Exceptions Factors Common to Both Attorney-Client Privilege and Work-Product Protection Underlying Facts Not Privilege Protected Redaction and Procedural Issues Deposi…
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By Rodrig, Oscar Rey. American Bar Association. 1;2016-2. 2016.
This Sixth Edition has been updated and expanded to include new revisions of the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine. Many of the previous chapters have been completely revised, while others have gone through a comprehensive rewrite. Legislative activity at both the state and federal level to limit (or preserve) evidentiary privilege and confidentiality duties of attorneys, along with debates over the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and related enactments, continue to fuel the perception that attorney-client privilege is under attack. Fortunately, this oldest of Anglo-American evidentiary privileges continues to hold its own. Much of the conflict and controversy continues to play out in the courts. Independent of judicial determinations on privilege, the practical fragility of confidentiality continues to take the national stage as the media reports on governmental surveillance, massive data breaches and the interception of electronic communications between attorneys and their clien…
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By Walkowiak, Vincent S. American Bar Association. 7;2021-03. 2021.
Written especially with the practitioner in mind, this revised edition provides guidance for understanding and handling the many complexities of attorney-client privilege and confidential communication in the corporate setting. Chapters in this practical guide are written by a team of professionals with diverse experience and background. The authors illustrate, and in many cases offer solutions to, those problems being addressed through the application and interpretation of the attorney-client privilege and the attorney work-product doctrine. Although seemingly simple in definition, the interpretation of these two principles is increasingly being tested as new legal entities are created and modern technology is employed in today's legal environment. Sharing their insights and expertise on the most important aspects of protecting the free flow of information between attorney and client, the book's authors cover these key topics and more: Guidance for corporate counsel Perspectives on th…
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Latest received: Automatic updates. By Hazard, Geoffrey C. Aspen Publishers. Fourth edition. [2015]-.
"The Law of Lawyering shows how to approach concrete problems that arise in everyday practice while staying within the letter and spirit of the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct. It provides the full text of each Model Rule provision in sequence, followed by the authors' guidance and commentary, which put the rule into context, help identify its key features, and show its relation to other Rules and the ALI's Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers. Clear, realistic examples demonstrate how each Rule applies in practice." -publisher's description
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By Professional Liability Committee. American Bar Association. 1;1. 2014.
The recent popularity of suits against lawyers has highlighted a number of issues that distinguish the claim from the run-of-the-mill negligence to cause of action. Lawyers who prosecute or defend legal malpractice claims must understand their state's legal malpractice laws and, when a claim involves multiple jurisdictions, must also consider the potentially applicable laws of other involved jurisdictions. This guide provides a state-by-state review of laws in each state pertaining to the laws of lawyer liability. Each chapter is devoted to the law of each state, written by lawyers in that particular state for easy comparison. Whether a lawyer is involved in litigating legal malpractice actions or merely wants to understand more about these matters, this book is intended to serve as a resource to how the law varies state by state.
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By Zavieh, Megan Elizabeth. American Bar Association. ;2021-03. 2021.
Law practice is a business. Like every other industry, it is affected by improvements in technology and general changes in society. If you plan to practice law in the next ten to 40 years, you must be prepared to adapt to the changing landscape while meeting your ethical obligations. Braving evolution and working to adapt within a staid profession can be frightening, but it is also exciting. With guidelines on topics from ethics to office management, changes in payment technologies, managing client expectations, and gaining competence in new practice areas, this book will prepare you to stare down any fears and prepare you for lawyering in today's world and in tomorrow's.
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By Garwin, Arthur. American Bar Association. 1;2016-2. 2016.
Professional responsibility is at the core of delivering effective legal services. Paralegals are expected to obey the ethics rules by which their lawyer employers are bound. To help paralegals stay on top of ethics issues, the ABA Center for Professional Responsibility has updated The Paralegal's Guide to Professional Responsibility. The new fourth edition reviews the ethics issues that are relevant to paralegals, legal assistants, secretaries, and other employees of law firms, corporations, and law-related organizations and offers guidance that can be adapted to practice in any jurisdiction. This new edition encompasses all recent changes to the Model Rules, along with updated references to court decisions and other resources. The book also features an entirely new chapter focused on communications. The book is designed to help paralegals understand key areas of the Model Rules and related ethics issues. In addition to a thorough examination of the Model Rules as they relate to paral…
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By Garwin, Arthur H. American Bar Association. 5;2021-03. 2021.
Professional responsibility is at the core of delivering effective legal services. Paralegals are expected to obey the ethics rules by which their lawyer employers are bound. To help paralegals stay on top of ethics issues, the ABA Center for Professional Responsibility has updated The Paralegal's Guide to Professional Responsibility . The fifth edition reviews the ethics issues that are relevant to paralegals, legal assistants, secretaries, and other employees of law firms, corporations, and law-related organizations and offers guidance that can be adapted to practice in any jurisdiction. This edition encompasses all recent changes to the Model Rules, along with updated references to court decisions and other resources. The book is designed to help paralegals understand key areas of the Model Rules and related ethics issues. Subjects include: what constitutes the unauthorized practice of law what a lawyer cannot delegate to a paralegal the issues of competence and diligence in a para…
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