Wills, Trusts, and Estate Planning
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» Texas Titles
The complete guide to planning your estate in Texas : A step-by-step plan to protect your assets, limit your taxes, and ensure your wishes are fulfilled for Texas residents
By Ashar, Linda C. Atlantic Pub. Group. c2011.
"This book has been adapted to offer Texas residents state-specific advice for estate planning. Texas-specific information is offered throughout this book, including Texas’s probate code; Texas rules, regulations, and laws specific to estate planning; elements of a valid Texas will; planning your living will in Texas; and explanations of Texas laws regarding durable health care power of attorney, do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders, and directives to withhold CPR." - from the publisher
Note: A newer edition of this title is available electronically.
KFT 750 A8
Davenport's Texas wills and estate planning legal forms : Book and forms by attorneys
By Ashar, Linda C. Davenport Press. c2015.
"This book provides an up-to-date and easy-to-read review of Texas law, and then provides ready-to-use Wills and Estate Planning legal forms for Texas. Filled-out samples of all the forms show what to do." - from the author
KFT 753 R8
Davis's Texas estate planning forms
By Davis, Mickey R. O'Connor's. Latest received: 2024 Edition.
A part of the O’Connor’s series, this book contains nearly 1,700 pages of expertly crafted and time-tested estate planning forms relating to wills, trusts and medical directives.
KFT 765 D3
Johanson's Texas estates codes annotated : With related statutes including the Texas trust code, summary of legislative changes, significant recent case decisions, and disposition and derivation tables
Latest received: 2017 Edition. Thomson Reuters. [2014]-.
"Johanson’s Texas Estates Code Annotated provides the full text of the Texas Estates Code and related Texas estate planning statutes along with authoritative commentary and notes to leading cases and attorney general opinions." - publisher's description
KFT 765 A33 J6
Texas estate planning
Latest received: Release 30, Nov. 2023. M. Bender. 1993-.
"With Texas Estate Planning at your side, preparing wills, trusts and durable powers of attorney has never been easier. This must-have guide contains the most current federal and state statutory case law to date as well as hundreds of comprehensive, assorted forms. With fingertip access to hundreds of forms, along with explanations of how to best apply these forms, Texas Estate Planning assists you in preparing client wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney and more." - from the publisher
Note: This item is also available electronically.
Table of contents: https://catalog.sll.texas.gov/cgi-bin/koha/opac-retrieve-file.pl?id=142087245d8ce4de64d1a15021c73819
KFT 750 T4
Texas estate planning & probate manual
Latest received: 2010 Supplement. Juris Pub. Second edition. 2008.
"The manual provides a comprehensive analysis of the law of estate planning, including the laws of guardianship, powers of attorney, healthcare directives, intestacy, probate of a will, drafting of trust agreements and family limited partnership agreements. It includes not only analysis of the law of Texas estate planning law, including both Texas and Federal authority, but also a review of the caselaw and statutory authority." - from the publisher
KFT 750 P48
Texas law of wills
Latest received: 2024-2025 Editions. By Beyer, Gerry W. West Group. Third edition. c2002.
This two-volume set provides a comprehensive overview of the law of wills in Texas. It is divided into four parts which cover intestate succession, wills, probate avoidance techniques, and miscellaneous matters such as guardians for children, persona property, and the anatomical gift act. In addition to the discussion of legislation, the authors also cover relevant case law.
KFT 209 T4 V. 9-10
Texas practice guide. Wills, trusts and estate planning
Latest received: 2025 Edition. By Pacheco, Patrick J. West Group. c2012-.
This guide provides analysis of wills and trusts preparation and estate planning, as well as forms, checklists, practice tips, and cites to leading and recent case law. Topics covered include an overview of substantive law, income taxation of estates and trusts, planning opportunities after the testator’s death, retirement plans, and ancillary documents, including powers of attorney.
Wills road map : Practical considerations in will drafting
By Akers, Stephen R. State Bar of Texas. Third edition. 2017.
"Intended for both general practitioners who occasionally prepare wills for their existing clients as well as for experienced estate planning attorneys, Wills Road Map brings together legal concepts from wills, probate, and trust law to provide expert guidance in properly assembling a will." - publisher's description
Note: An older edition of this item is available electronically.
KFT 753 W55
Your Texas wills, trusts, & estates explained simply : Important information you need to know for Texas residents
By Ashar, Linda C. Atlantic Pub. c2011.
"Author Linda C. Ashar, attorney at law, has crafted an estate-planning primer that allows Texas residents to become more informed and more involved during the process. Your Texas Wills, Trusts, & Estates Explained Simply will provide all the information you need to choose, set up, and execute a will, trust, or estate." - from the publisher
Note: This item is also available electronically.
KFT 753 A8
» Federal/General Titles
The ABA practical guide to estate planning
American Bar Association, Senior Lawyers Division. First edition. c2011.
This title is intended to help attorneys explain important estate planning concepts to their clients. Chapters discuss protecting assets for beneficiaries, preserving a business, probatable and nonprobatable assets, federal, state and international taxes, various types of trusts, wills, other end of life decision making instruments, and special concerns for same-sex couples.
KF 750 A733
The American Bar Association guide to wills & estates : Everything you need to know about wills, estates, trusts, and taxes
Random House Reference. Fourth edition. [2012].
This title provides an overview of planning an estate, preparing a will or trust, and minimizing inheritance taxes. It is organized in easy-to-follow chapters with sidebars containing tips, checklists, and key information. Some specific topics covered are: determining what to put in an estate plan, deciding whether to prepare a will, trust, or living trust, avoiding and reducing estate taxes, and transferring property without a will with substitutes such as life insurance and joint tenancy.
KF 750 Z9 A47
Charitable gift planning : A practical guide for the estate planner
By Ray, Thomas J. American Bar Association, Section of Real Property, Probate and Trust Law. Second edition. c2007.
"This book provides clear and insightful explanations of all relevant tax law, financial considerations, drafting guidelines, and forms for practitioners interested in planning for clients' charitable giving needs as part of a comprehensive estate and financial plan." - from the publisher
KF 6388 R39
Disclaimers in estate planning
By Cline, Christopher P. American Bar Association. 2;2. 2014.
Disclaimers are governed by both state and federal law. Section 2518 introduced the term "qualified disclaimer" for federal transfer tax purposes, but has little impact on the state law of disclaimers, and does not apply to disclaimers made before 1977. For those earlier disclaimers (which will be fairly rare) the tax law that applies involves a tangle of historical decisions, rulings and regulations. All of this requires that the first thing a practitioner must do when determining whether a disclaimer is appropriate is to determine which federal law applies and how state law will affect it. Disclaimers in Estate Planning by Christopher P. Cline assists the estate planner in making those determinations, understanding the applicable Uniform Acts involved and the specific issues raised by Section 2518, and creating the best strategies and techniques for effectively utilizing disclaimers. Topics covered include: • State disclaimer laws • Federal tax law…
URL: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1744160
Estate and gift tax charitable deductions
Latest received: 2015 Update. By Beckwith, Edward J. Tax Management, inc. c2001-.
"Bloomberg Tax Portfolio, Estate and Gift Tax Charitable Deductions, No. 839, surveys the estate tax charitable deduction allowed to a decedent’s estate by §2055 for transfers to qualifying recipients for public, charitable, religious, and other similar purposes, and the gift tax charitable deduction available to a transferor by §2522 for lifetime transfers." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES
Estate and trust administration -- tax planning
Latest received: 2015 Update. By Acker, Alan S. Tax Management. c2006-.
"Bloomberg Tax Portfolio, Estate and Trust Administration — Tax Planning, No. 855, discusses aspects of tax planning in connection with the administration of an estate or trust. This Portfolio includes, but is not limited to, the subject of after-death tax planning. In administering an estate or trust, the fiduciary has numerous options affecting taxes. These options are analyzed from the standpoint of the income, estate, gift, and generation-skipping transfer tax laws." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES
An estate planner's guide to family business entities : Family limited partnerships, limited liability companies, and more
By Mezzullo, Louis A. Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law, American Bar Association. Third edition. c2010.
This book provides guidance on choice of business entity to facilitate transferring wealth and minimize taxes. Specific entities discussed include trusts, S corporations, C corporations, partnerships and LLCs. This book also includes sample forms.
KF 1380 M39
Estate planning
Latest received: 2015 Update. By Streng, William P. Tax Management Inc. c2006-.
"Bloomberg Tax Portfolio, Estate Planning, No. 800, is designed as an authoritative and practical working tool for attorneys, accountants, and others involved in estate planning practice. The basic estate, gift, and trust planning concepts are presented in a descriptive and conveniently accessible form." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES
Estate planning for same-sex couples
By Burda, Joan M. American Bar Association, General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division. Second edition. c2012.
Burda, a gay attorney, cares deeply about and writes extensively on the issues confronting the LGBT community. In the introduction, she notes that "LGBT clients are the only ones whose legal status and legal rights are dependent on where they live, visit or travel." This book provides insight, discussion, and estate planning forms to assist the lawyer in crafting documents that provide gay clients some measure of control over their estate planning.
KF 750 B87
Estate tax credits and computations
Latest received: 2015 Update. By Peebles, Laura H. Tax Management. c2009-.
"Bloomberg Tax Portfolio, Estate Tax Credits and Computations, No. 844, analyzes the complicated rules that apply under §§2010 through 2016 of the Internal Revenue Code. Topics covered include the operation of the unified credit against estate tax, unified credit planning, computations of the state death tax credit and deduction, and the credit for prior transfers. In addition, the Portfolio discusses the history of the various estate tax credits, the limitation on the use of these credits, as well as the interaction of the credit and deduction for state death taxes with state tax systems and other interrelated calculations. The Portfolio also analyzes the effects of choosing to deduct expenses on the estate return or the estate’s income tax return under the 1999 “Hubert” regulations." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES
Estate, gift, and generation-skipping tax returns and audits
Latest received: 2015 Update. By Peebles, Laura H. Tax Management. c2004-.
"Bloomberg Tax Portfolio, Estate, Gift, and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Returns and Audits, No. 822, is designed as a practical guide to preparation of the Form 706, Form 706-NA, Form 706-QDT, Form 706-GS(D), Form 706-GS(D-1), Form 707-GS(T), and Form 709, the federal estate (and generation-skipping transfer) and gift (and generation-skipping transfer) tax returns, respectively. Data gathering, preparation, and audit are covered with special attention to problem areas which are often overlooked." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES
Fiduciary liability of trustees and personal representatives
Latest received: 2015 Update. By Rounds, Charles E. Tax Management. c2003-.
"Tax Management Portfolio, Accounting for Trusts and Estates, No. 853, explains how to account for income and principal of an estate or trust... This Portfolio is designed to serve the needs of primarily two categories of persons: fiduciaries (trustees and executors) and their accountants. However, the contents of the Portfolio will interest anyone who wants or needs to know how to determine the accounting income and principal of a trust or an estate. The Portfolio not only suggests guiding principles but also illustrates how to allocate particular amounts between principal and income." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES
Latest received: 2015 Update. By Lischer, Henry J. Tax Management Inc. c2005-.
"The Bloomberg Tax Portfolio, Gifts, No. 845, discusses the definition of “taxable gift” and analyzes when a transfer subject to the gift tax occurs. ...This Portfolio discusses general principles relating to completed transfers, incomplete transfers, transfers involving married persons, and transfers of community property. Special problems can arise upon the exercise or lapse of certain powers of appointment and in connection with jointly held properties, and Gifts Portfolio describes gift tax implications that the practitioner should consider before advising the creation or exercise of a power or creating or severing a joint-property relationship." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES
Immigration and expatriation law for the estate planner
Latest received: 2015 Update. By Heimos, Michael A. Tax Management Inc. c2007-.
"Bloomberg Tax Portfolio, Immigration and Expatriation Law for the Estate Planner, No. 806, gives attorneys referential material that is useful for analyzing federal immigration and expatriation law issues that commonly arise in connection with forming estate plans for certain clientele." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES
Income taxation of trusts and estates
Latest received: 2015 Update. By Acker, Alan S. Tax Management. c2007-.
"Bloomberg Tax Portfolio, Income Taxation of Trusts and Estates, No. 852, provides detailed coverage of the rules governing the income taxation of estates, trusts, and their beneficiaries. The Portfolio discusses the types of entities covered by the rules of subchapter J of the Code, including the practical problems that may occur if an entity is classified as a business entity instead of a trust or the administration of an estate is unduly prolonged." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES
The irrevocable life insurance trust : Forms with drafting notes
By Brody, Lawrence. American Bar Association, Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law. Third edition. c2011.
"An integral part of every estate planner's practice is giving advice and making recommendations about life insurance. Clear and concise, this updated user-friendly primer offers a comprehensive overview of the types of insurance trusts you can draft for your clients, differentiating between the them and helping you identify the one that will work best for their specific needs. It also includes examples of the necessary forms and a related client memorandum." - from the publisher
KF 736 L4 B76
The law of trusts and trustees : A treatise covering the law relating to trusts and allied subjects affecting trust creation and administration : with forms
Latest received: 2024 Pocket parts. By Hess, Amy Morris. West Group. Third edition. c2000-.
A guide through tax laws, administrative rules and regulations, and court decisions regarding trusts, this title covers the entire field of modern trust uses and shows how to plan an estate. It illustrates various uses of trusts in personal estate planning as well as in business and commercial arrangements with citations to all cases supporting the text, practical guidance on how to proceed under particular circumstances, and references to pertinent state and federal statutes.
KF 730 B63 3D
The lawyer's guide to financial planning
By Sharp, Cynthia. American Bar Association, Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division. [2014].
"This book is an essential resource for any lawyer committed to building and maintaining a strong and secure financial future. It outlines 'need to know' information in clear and concise terms, and presents an actionable plan that leads to financial success." - from the publisher
KF 750 S45
Marital agreements
Latest received: 2013 Update. By Ravdin, Linda J. Tax Management Inc. c2003-.
"The Bloomberg Tax Portfolio, Marital Agreements, No. 849, describes and analyzes three types of agreements: premarital agreements, postmarital agreements, and domestic partnership agreements. ... This Portfolio focuses on the requirements for creating and drafting valid marital and domestic partnership agreements, including the permissible scope of such agreements, subjects on which the parties’ contractual rights may be limited, and the role of counsel. Various drafting issues discussed include provisions governing the parties’ rights at death and divorce, spousal support, waivers, financial support of children, attorneys’ fees and costs, and nonfinancial matters. The Portfolio also examines how the parties’ conduct after the execution of an agreement may affect their rights under the agreement. The Uniform Premarital Agreement Act of 1983, which many states have enacted, is covered in detail." - publisher's description
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES
Non-citizens -- estate, gift and generation-skipping taxation
Latest received: 2015 Update. By Heimos, Michael A. Tax Management. 2005-.
"The Bloomberg Tax Portfolio, Non-Citizens — Estate, Gift and Generation-Skipping Taxation, No. 837, explains the federal taxation of property transfers made by U.S. resident non-citizens and nonresident non-citizens and their respective estates. The primary focus is on the rules applicable to nonresident non-citizens and transfers between a nonresident non-citizen or his or her estate and another nonresident non-citizen. Because other Tax Management Portfolios do so, this Portfolio does not comprehensively discuss the variations resulting from the application of the U.S. bilateral transfer tax treaties or the rules concerning transfers from U.S. citizens and non-U.S. citizens and their estates to non-U.S. citizen spouses." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES
Page on the law of wills : Including probate, will contests, evidence, taxation, conflicts, estate planning, forms, and statutes relating to wills
Latest received: 2024 Pocket parts. By Page, William Herbert. W.H. Anderson Co. Rev. treatise,. [1960-65].
This comprehensive set features an examination of topics such as the history of the law of wills and testaments, the elements of the will, alteration and spoliation, probate and contest, and construction. Volume 7 contains forms necessary for estate planning.
Note: This item is also available electronically.
KF 755 P3
Partnerships--current and liquidating distributions; death or retirement of a partner
Latest received: 2015 Update. By Manning, Elliott. Tax Management. c2009-.
"The Bloomberg Tax Portfolio No. 811, Partnerships—Current and Liquidating Distributions; Death or Retirement of a Partner, provides a detailed discussion of the tax consequences of distributions by partnerships to partners, including those arising from distributions of a partner’s share of the results of partnership operations, and other distributions by the partnership that do not result in termination of the distributee’s interest in the partnership even though accompanied by a change in the distributee’s and remaining partners’ shares of capital or profits and losses, whether in money or property—all called current distributions—and distributions of money or property on the withdrawal of a partner whether on death or withdrawal—called liquidating distributions." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES
Plan selection : Pension and profit-sharing plans
Latest received: 2015 Update. By Bergman, Stanley N. Tax Management Inc. c1985.
"Bloomberg Tax Portfolio, Plan Selection — Pension and Profit-Sharing Plans, No. 350, deals with the design, cost, and planning considerations involved in the decision to adopt a qualified pension or profit-sharing plan. Other retirement-type vehicles, including nonqualified deferred compensation arrangements, SEPs, IRAs, and cash-or-deferred arrangements, are also examined." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35
Planning for disability
Latest received: 2014 Update. By Moore, Ralph J. Tax Management Inc. c2000-.
"The Bloomberg Tax Portfolio, Planning for Disability, No. 816, addresses planning for disability from two perspectives: when the client is planning for the client’s own disability or incapacity, and when the client is planning for the disability or incapacity of a family member. The Detailed Analysis discusses the various planning options available, based on whether the client is planning for the client’s own disability or incapacity or for that of a family member." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES
Powers of appointment : Estate, gift, and income tax considerations
Latest reveived: 2014 update. By Cline, Christopher P. Tax Management Inc. c2007-.
"The Bloomberg Tax Portfolio, Powers of Appointment — Estate, Gift, and Income Tax Considerations, No. 825, analyzes the application of federal estate, gift, and income tax statutes to holders of powers of appointment, focusing on §§2041, 2514, and 671–678 of the Internal Revenue Code. The effect of the generation-skipping transfer tax on powers of appointment is also examined, as well as the taxation of property subject to powers of appointment under other provisions." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES
Qualified plans--investments
Latest received: 2015 Update. By Dickstein, Beth J. Tax Management Inc. c2007-.
"Bloomberg Tax Portfolio No. 377, Qualified Plans — Investments, reviews the issues relating to specific types of investments that may be made by plans subject to Part 4 of Subtitle B of title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA), or §4975 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (Code). The Portfolio examines the legal concerns that plan fiduciaries may have when considering various types of investments and the ERISA guidance that governs those investments." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35
Revocable inter vivos trusts
Latest received: 2015 Update. By Zaritsky, Howard M. Tax Management Inc. c2003.
"The Bloomberg Tax Portfolio, Revocable Inter Vivos Trusts, No. 860, describes and analyzes the creation and use of revocable trusts for various estate planning benefits. This Portfolio first addresses the requirements for a valid and effective revocable trust, how and when the trust may be revoked, what constitutes a valid and adequate trust corpus, and when a revocable trust may be expected to achieve significant estate planning benefits. It then addresses the various uses to which a revocable trust may be applied, focusing on when a revocable trust will be the most appropriate vehicle to accomplish each purpose." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES
Scott and Ascher on trusts
Latest received: 2015 Supplement. By Scott, Austin Wakeman. Aspen Publishers. Fifth edition. c2006-c2010.
This multi-volume treatise is the preeminent set for researching the law of trusts. Some of the topics covered include the powers and liabilities of the trustee, third person liabilities, remedies of the beneficiary, ERISA and corporate fiduciaries.
KF 730 S31
Testamentary capacity, undue influence and validity of wills
Latest received: 2014 Update. By Marty-Nelson, Elena. Tax Management Inc. c2007-.
"Tax Management Portfolio, Testamentary Capacity, Undue Influence and Validity of Wills, No. 824, addresses the requirements for the execution of a valid will, a critical element in the implementation of a successful estate plan. If a will is to be recognized as valid, it must comply with the formalities of execution under state law and the testator must have the necessary testamentary intent. The Detailed Analysis discusses the formalities of execution in depth, since the validity of a will depends upon adherence to the requirements of the jurisdiction in which the will is executed as well as that in which it is ultimately probated." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES
Transfers to noncitizen spouses
Latest received: 2014 Update. By Siegler, Douglas L. Tax Management, Inc. c2000-.
"Tax Management Portfolio, Transfers to Noncitizen Spouses, No. 842, addresses tax planning for gratuitous transfers of property to a spouse who is not a U.S. citizen. Since 1988, the estate and gift tax marital deductions have been disallowed by ʹʹ2056(d) and 2523(i) for transfers of property to a spouse who is not a U.S. citizen. Such transfers, whether made by gift or bequest, are fully subject to U.S. transfer taxes." - publisher's description
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES
Trustee investments
Latest received: 2016. By Cline, Christopher P. Tax Management Inc. c2016-.
"Tax Management Portfolio, Trustee Investments, No. 861, provides detailed coverage of the rules governing the different types of investments available to trustees, some basic income tax consequences of those investments, and some of the economic theory behind investing. It discusses the laws applicable to trustees when investing trust assets." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES
Uniform trust code
Latest received: 2015 Update. By Cohen, I. Mark. Tax Management. c2008-.
"This Portfolio discusses and analyzes the Uniform Trust Code (UTC) and the significant differences among the UTC, the common law of trusts and the modifications created by the enacting jurisdictions. This Portfolio discusses only the statutes of the jurisdictions that had adopted the UTC by November 2013. Subsequent updates may provide later adoptions." - from the publisher
KF 6289 A1 T35 ESTATES