Limited Scope Representation
January 1, 2018
It is always best to have an attorney assist you with any legal issues you are experiencing. However, if you cannot afford or do not want full representation you may want to consider limited scope representation. Limited scope representation (also known as "unbundled legal services") is the practice of hiring an attorney for help with a specific task while largely acting as your own attorney.
The State Law Library has created a research guide to help explain limited scope representation. This guide includes:
- A video from West Virginia Public Broadcasting that addresses the pros and cons of "unbundling" legal services
- Information from the Texas Access to Justice Commission regarding this type of legal service
- Articles from and the American Bar Association that provide brief overviews of the concept and discuss things to consider
If you have questions or would like more information about our other Legal Research Guides please don't hesitate to Ask a Librarian!
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