Happy Halloween from SLL!
October 27, 2020
Happy Halloween! Legal research doesn't have to be scary — unless you're pulling up one of the Halloween-themed law review articles we've listed below! All of the articles listed can be accessed through HeinOnline, an incredibly thorough collection of legal periodicals that is part of the State Law Library's Digital Collection.
Registered patrons with the State Law Library can use HeinOnline to access almost 3,000 different law reviews and law journals, federal Congressional material, and subject-specific collections like Civil Rights and Social Justice, Gun Regulation and Legislation in America, the Pentagon Papers, and Slavery in America and the World. To hear more about HeinOnline, what it covers, and how to pull up the articles listed below, you can watch our Assistant Director walk you through the database and how to use it on YouTube! If you don't already have a free library account with us, you can register for one online for your Halloween treat.
- Fearing the Dark: The Use of Witchcraft to Control Human Trafficking Victims and Sustain Vulnerability [45 Sw. L. Rev. 561]
- The Salem Witch Trials 300 Years Later: How Far Has the American Legal System Come? How Much Further Does It Need to Go? [64 Tul. L. Rev. 235]
- Witchcraft and Tax-Exempt Status Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code [21 U.S.F. L. Rev. 763]
Ghosts, devils, and demons
- Free Exorcise Clause? Whether Exorcism Can Survive the Supreme Court's Smith Neutrality [104 Nw. U. L. Rev. 363]
- The Devil in Recent American Law [39 Pace L. Rev. 929]
- Caveat Spiritus: A Jurisprudential Reflection Upon the Law of Haunted Houses and Ghosts [28 Val. U. L. Rev. 207]
Cemeteries, skeletons, and the undead
- "Since I Must Please Those Below": Human Skeletal Remains Research and the Law [41 Am. J.L. & Med. 617]
- Grave Matters: The Ancient Rights of the Graveyard [2006 B.Y.U. L. Rev. 1469]
- Death and Taxes and Zombies [98 Iowa L. Rev. 1207]
Psychics, the paranormal, and magic
- What Ghost Up Must Come down: The Highs and Lows of Psychic Mediums in Probate Law [29 Quinnipiac Prob. L.J. 310]
- Law and Magic: A(nother) Paradox? [37 T. Jefferson L. Rev. 139]
- The Truth (of the Matter) Asserted Is out There: Law and the Paranormal outside the First Amendment [21 Barry L. Rev. 195]
- Psychic Phenomena and the Law [34 Harv. L. Rev. 625]
- Seeing It Coming Since 1945: State Bans and Regulations of "Crafty Sciences" Speech and Activity [37 T. Jefferson L. Rev. 39]
- A Theory of Adjudication: Law as Magic [41 Suffolk U. L. Rev. 773]