New Executive Orders and Regulations on COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements

October 20, 2021


There are several recent executive orders and regulations on COVID-19 vaccine requirements. Governor Abbott recently issued Executive Order GA-40, which bans any entity in Texas from requiring COVID-19 vaccines. President Biden has also issued several federal executive orders and proposed federal regulations. They require COVID-19 vaccines for certain federal workers, federal contractors, and private employees.

We've heard from patrons who are confused about how these new orders may affect their work situations. To address this, we've created a new COVID-19 Vaccine Laws page with detailed information about the new orders and regulations. You can find it on our COVID-19 & Texas Law guide.

You may also want to review our Legal FAQs on the subject of vaccine requirements in various situations: Can I be required to get a COVID-19 vaccine? and Can I be required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a “vaccine passport?

Still have questions? We're happy to help! You may also want to talk to a lawyer for advice on what the new orders and regulations mean for you.

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