Legal Research In a Nutshell

February 11, 2019


Do you ever just need a quick overview of a specific legal topic? If so, West Academic Publishing’s "In a Nutshell" Series could be a great resource for you!

The State Law Library provides access to 100+ "In a Nutshell" titles through our OverDrive Digital Collection. These books provide concise, reliable information on a wide variety of legal topics and, best of all, were written to be understood by the general reader.

Some of our most popular “In a Nutshell” titles include:

You are also able to view a full list of all the "In a Nutshell" e-books through our catalog.

These e-books can be accessed from home as long as you are a registered library patron. Remember, you can register online if you don't already have an account with us!

If you have any questions about the “In a Nutshell’ series or any of the other resources available in our Digital Collection don't hesitate to Ask a Librarian!

Restrictions on Convicted Felons

Recording Laws

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