FAQ: Credit/Debit Card Fees
May 6, 2019
At the library, we often get the question "Can a business charge a fee for using a credit or debit card?" Recent litigation has made the answer to this less straightforward, so we decided to address it on our frequently asked legal questions page.
In addition to covering this topic, our frequently asked questions page provides answers to some of the most common consumer protection questions that we receive. While we are unable to provide legal advice or address your specific situation, the information on these pages will give you an overview of the law and may help you to determine the answer on your own. Examples of other questions related to consumer protection include:
- Do I have 3 days to return a purchase or cancel a contract in Texas?
- How late can telemarketers call?
- Can debt collectors call my work? Can they call my family or boss?
- Is there a Lemon Law in Texas? Does it cover used cars?
- A business is asking me for my Social Security number (SSN). Can I refuse to provide it?
If you find that your question is not addressed on our frequently asked legal questions page, please don't hesitate to Ask a Librarian for assistance!