Lexis Advance Available at Home
April 16, 2020
In an effort to facilitate legal research while practicing social distancing, the State Law Library is happy to announce that library patrons can now access Lexis Advance from home! We would like to thank Lexis for their partnership in working towards our mission to make legal information accessible to the citizens of Texas.
Through May 31, 2020, the LexisNexis State and Local Government team is providing virtual access to Lexis Advance in order to facilitate social distancing. Follow the steps below to create a 30-day temporary ID that allows self-serve access to Lexis Advance. The IDs will allow access for 30 days or until May 31, whichever is shorter. Please note this ID provides access to only the following sources, which is different than what you can access at the State Law Library:
- All state and federal case law, statutes, regulations, and rules
- Law reviews from all states
- Briefs, pleadings, and motions
- Company and financial information
Remember, if you have questions while the library is closed to the public please don't hesitate to call us at (512) 463-1722 or 1-844-829-2843 or Ask a Librarian!