Disaster Relief
June 18, 2018
Atlantic hurricane season began earlier this month and the State Law Library wants you to be ready! To that end, we've updated our Disaster Relief research guide to include information on emergency preparedness and safety resources.
In addition to resources for disaster relief, our research guide now includes:
- Information on steps to prevent a disaster from TexasPrepares.org and Ready.gov
- Access to pamphlets such as FEMA's Are You Ready? An In-Depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness
- Links to the National Hurricane Center (NOAA) for updates on hurricane activity, DriveTexas.org (TxDot) for close-to-real-time updates on road closures and conditions, and the Safe and Well List (Red Cross) to register yourself as safe and well in an emergency.
If you have a question or would like more information about any of our Legal Research Guides please don't hesitate to Ask a Librarian!